rsvs3D  0.0.0
Codes for the c++ implementation of the 3D RSVS
param Namespace Reference

Namespace containing the parameter classes used to control execution of the 3D-RSVS program. More...


 Namespace containing parameters used for development only, these are disabled in distributions of the code and can be reenabled by defining the compilation variable: "RSVS_ACCESS_DEVELOPMENT_PARAMETERS".
 Provide functions for reading and writing of the parameter structure.
 Tests for the parameter implementation.


struct  filltype
 The input type of fill information. More...
class  outputtemplate
 Template for generating the correct processing file for the outputs. More...
class  tecplottemplate
class  rsvs
 Parameters related to the Velocity calculation and VOS steps. More...
class  snaking
 Parameters controlling tuning parameters for the stepping of the restricted surface. More...
class  voxel
 Parameters controlling cartesian grid properties. More...
class  voronoi
 Class for handling of voronoi VOS meshing parameters. More...
class  grid
 Class for parameters of the grid generation. More...
class  ioin
 Class containing the input configuration these are files to load. More...
class  ioout
 Class containing the output configuration these are files to store and where to store them. More...
class  files
 Class containing all parameter settings for file operations. More...
class  parameters
 Root class for all the parameters. More...


typedef std::array< double, 2 > realbounds
 Collects a lower and an upper bound.
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > exports
 Collects the export settings which is a vector of pairs of strings. More...
typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, std::string > > varconfig


template<class T >
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const filltype< T > &p)
template<class T >
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, filltype< T > &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const outputtemplate &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, outputtemplate &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const rsvs &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, rsvs &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const snaking &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, snaking &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const voxel &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, voxel &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const voronoi &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, voronoi &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const grid &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, grid &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const parameters &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, parameters &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const ioin &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, ioin &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const ioout &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, ioout &p)
void to_json (rsvsjson::json &j, const files &p)
void from_json (const rsvsjson::json &j, files &p)

Detailed Description

Namespace containing the parameter classes used to control execution of the 3D-RSVS program.

Typedef Documentation

◆ exports

typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > param::exports

Collects the export settings which is a vector of pairs of strings.

Each pair is: ["valid export type", "export config string"]

Definition at line 37 of file parameters.hpp.