rsvs3D  0.0.0
Codes for the c++ implementation of the 3D RSVS
Go to the documentation of this file.
10 //===============================================
11 // Include Guards
15 //===============================================
16 // Levels of debuging Guards
17 #ifdef DEBUGLVL2 // All Debugging calls
18 #define DEBUGLVL1
19 #define TEST_RANGE // deprecated
22 #endif
24 #ifdef DEBUGLVL1 // Debugging of new features.
25 #ifndef SAFE_ACCESS
26 #define SAFE_ACCESS
27 #endif
28 #endif
30 //=================================
31 // forward declared dependencies
32 // class foo; //when you only need a pointer not the actual object
33 // and to avoid circular dependencies
35 //=================================
36 // included dependencies
37 #ifdef DBG_MEMLEAK
38 #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
39 #include <crtdbg.h>
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #endif // DBG_MEMLEAK
43 #include <algorithm>
44 #include <cstdlib>
45 #include <functional>
46 #include <iostream>
47 #include <sstream>
48 #include <stdexcept>
49 #include <string>
50 #include <unordered_map>
51 #include <vector>
52 #if defined(USE_BOOST) && defined(USE_STACKTRACE)
53 #include <boost/stacktrace.hpp>
54 namespace stacktrace = boost::stacktrace;
55 #endif
57 #include "warning.hpp"
59 //==================================
60 // Code
61 // NOTE: function in a class definition are IMPLICITELY INLINED
62 // ie replaced by their code at compile time
64 namespace rsvs3d
65 {
66 namespace constants
67 {
68 static const int __notfound = -1;
69 static const int __failure = -1;
70 static const int __success = 0;
71 } // namespace constants
72 namespace logicals
73 {
74 inline bool __isfound(int f)
75 {
76  return f != constants::__notfound;
77 }
78 } // namespace logicals
79 } // namespace rsvs3d
81 template <class T> class ArrayStruct;
82 template <class T, class Q, class R = int> class HashedVector;
83 template <class T> class SnakStruct;
85 typedef unsigned int unsigned_int;
87 // Forward declared templated functions
88 template <class T> int TestTemplate_ArrayStruct();
89 bool CompareFuncOut(std::function<void()> func1, std::function<void()> func2);
90 template <typename T> inline void sort(std::vector<T> &vec);
91 template <typename T> inline void unique(std::vector<T> &vec);
92 // template <typename T> inline void set_intersection(std::vector<T>
93 // &targVec,std::vector<T> &vec1,std::vector<T> &vec2,bool isSort=true);
94 template <typename T>
95 inline void set_intersection(std::vector<T> &targVec, const std::vector<T> &vec1, const std::vector<T> &vec2,
96  bool isSort);
97 template <class T>
98 std::vector<int> FindSubList(const std::vector<T> &keyFind, const std::vector<T> &keyList,
99  std::unordered_multimap<T, int> &hashTable);
100 template <class T>
101 std::vector<int> FindSubList(const std::vector<T> &keyFind, const std::vector<T> &keyList,
102  const std::unordered_multimap<T, int> &hashTable);
103 template <class T, class Q>
104 void HashVector(const std::vector<T> &elems, std::unordered_multimap<T, Q> &hashTable,
105  const std::vector<Q> &targElems = {});
106 template <class T> int FindSub(const T &key, const std::unordered_multimap<T, int> &hashTable);
107 template <class T> void ConcatenateVector(std::vector<T> &vecRoot, const std::vector<T> &vecConcat);
108 template <class T, class R> std::vector<R> ReturnDataEqualRange(T key, const std::unordered_multimap<T, R> &hashTable);
109 template <class T, class R>
110 void ReturnDataEqualRange(T key, const std::unordered_multimap<T, R> &hashTable, std::vector<R> &subList);
112 // Templates
113 template <class T> class ArrayStruct
114 {
115  protected:
116  int maxIndex;
117  int isHash = 0;
118  int isSetMI = 0;
119  bool readyforuse = false;
120  bool isInMesh = false; // used to change behaviour if not in a mesh.
122  std::vector<T> elems; // std::vector of elements (structures)
123  std::unordered_multimap<int, int> hashTable; // Hash Table of indexed elements
124  void ForceArrayReady();
125  void SetLastIndex()
126  {
127  isSetMI = 1;
128  maxIndex = elems.back().index;
129  };
131  public:
132  friend class mesh;
133  friend class snake;
134  friend class surf;
135  friend int TestTemplate_ArrayStruct<T>();
137  void disp() const;
138  void disp(const std::vector<int> &subs) const;
139  void disp(int iStart, int iEnd) const;
140  int find(int key, bool noWarn = false) const;
141  std::vector<int> find_list(const std::vector<int> &key, bool noWarn = false) const;
142  inline int GetMaxIndex() const;
143  inline void Init(int n);
144  bool isready() const
145  {
146  return (readyforuse);
147  };
148  bool checkready();
149  void Concatenate(const ArrayStruct<T> &other);
150  void PopulateIndices();
151  void SetMaxIndex();
152  void HashArray();
153  void PrepareForUse();
154  void ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu);
155  void write(FILE *fid) const;
156  void read(FILE *fid);
157  void remove(std::vector<int> delInd);
158  void TightenConnectivity();
159  // methods needed from std::vector
160  inline int size() const;
161  inline int capacity() const;
162  inline void assign(int n, T &newelem);
163  inline void push_back(T &newelem);
164  inline void reserve(int n);
165  inline void clear();
166  // Operators
167  void issafeaccess(const int a)
168  {
169 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
170  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= elems.size()) || (0 > a))
171  {
172  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
174  std::cerr << stacktrace::stacktrace() << std::endl;
175 #endif
176  std::cerr << "Attempt to access position " << a << " in std::vector of size " << elems.size() << std::endl;
177  // dbg::fail(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"index out of range");
178  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" Index is out of range");
179  }
180 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
181  }
183  const T *operator()(const int a) const
184  {
185  // () Operator returns a constant pointer to the corresponding elems.
186  // Cannot be used on the left hand side and can't be used to edit data in
187  // elems
188 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
189  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= elems.size()) || (0 > a))
190  {
191  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
193  std::cerr << stacktrace::stacktrace() << std::endl;
194 #endif
195  std::cerr << "Attempt to access position " << a << " in std::vector of size " << elems.size() << std::endl;
196  // dbg::fail(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"index out of range");
197  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" Index is out of range");
198  }
199 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
200  return (&(elems[a]));
201  }
202  const T *isearch(const int b) const
203  {
204  // () Operator returns a constant pointer to the corresponding elems.
205  // Cannot be used on the left hand side and can't be used to edit data in
206  // elems
207  int a = this->find(b);
208 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
209  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= elems.size()) || (0 > a))
210  {
211  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
213  std::cerr << stacktrace::stacktrace() << std::endl;
214 #endif
215  std::cerr << "Attempt to access index " << b << " at position " << a << " in std::vector of size "
216  << elems.size() << std::endl;
217  // dbg::fail(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"index out of range");
218  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" Index is out of range");
219  }
220 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
221  return (&(elems[a]));
222  }
224  T &operator[](const int a)
225  {
226  // [] Operator returns a reference to the corresponding elems.
227 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
228  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= elems.size()) | (0 > a))
229  {
230  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
232  std::cerr << stacktrace::stacktrace() << std::endl;
233 #endif
234  std::cerr << "Attempt to access position " << a << " in std::vector of size " << elems.size() << std::endl;
235  // dbg::fail(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,"index out of range");
236  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE("Index is out of range");
237  }
238 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
239  isHash = 0;
240  isSetMI = 0;
241  readyforuse = false;
242  return (elems[a]);
243  }
244 };
246 template <class T> class SnakStruct : public ArrayStruct<T>
247 {
248  protected:
249  using ArrayStruct<T>::elems;
252  std::unordered_multimap<int, int> hashParent;
253  int isHashParent = 0;
255  public:
256  friend class snake;
258  // inline int KeyParent(int a) const ;
259  int findparent(int key) const;
260  void findsiblings(int key, std::vector<int> &siblings) const;
261  int countparent(int key) const
262  {
263  return (hashParent.count(key));
264  };
265  void HashParent();
266  void DeHashParent(const int pos);
267  bool memberIsHashParent(const int pos) const;
268  inline void Init(int n);
269  // Functions that need modification
270  inline void push_back(T &newelem);
271  inline void clear();
272  bool checkready();
273  void ForceArrayReady();
274  void PrepareForUse();
275  void Concatenate(const SnakStruct<T> &other);
276  void remove(const std::vector<int> &sub);
277  T &operator[](const int a)
278  {
279  isHashParent = 0;
280  return (ArrayStruct<T>::operator[](a));
281  }
282 };
284 template <class T> class ModiftrackArray : public ArrayStruct<T>
285 {
286  protected:
287  using ArrayStruct<T>::elems;
288  friend class mesh;
289  friend class snake;
291  public:
292  void SetNoModif();
293  void ReturnModifInd(std::vector<int> &vecind);
294  void ReturnModifLog(std::vector<bool> &modiflog);
295  T &operator[](const int a)
296  {
297 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS
299 #endif
300  elems[a].isModif = true;
301  return (ArrayStruct<T>::operator[](a));
302  }
303 };
305 template <class T, class Q, class R> class HashedVector
306 { // container for
307  public:
308  std::vector<T> vec;
309  std::unordered_multimap<T, R> hashTable;
310  bool isHash = true;
312  inline void GenerateHash();
313  inline int find(const T key) const;
314  inline std::vector<int> findall(const T key) const;
315  inline int count(const T key) const;
316  std::vector<int> count(const std::vector<T> &key) const;
317  inline std::vector<int> find_list(const std::vector<T> &key) const;
318  bool operator()(const Q &key) const;
319  inline bool IsInVec(const Q &key) const;
320  T &operator[](const int a)
321  {
322  return this->vec[a];
323  }
324  const T &operator[](const int a) const
325  {
326  return this->vec[a];
327  }
329  void reserve(const size_t a)
330  {
331  this->vec.reserve(a);
332  this->hashTable.reserve(a);
333  }
334  void assign(const size_t a, const T &elm)
335  {
336  this->vec.assign(a, elm);
337  this->isHash = false;
338  }
339  void push_back(const T &elm)
340  {
341  this->vec.push_back(elm);
342  R t = this->vec.size() - 1;
343  this->hashTable.emplace(elm, t);
344  }
345  void clear()
346  {
347  this->vec.clear();
348  this->isHash = true;
349  this->hashTable.clear();
350  }
351  size_t size() const
352  {
353  return this->vec.size();
354  }
355 };
357 template <class T, class Q, class R> class HashedMap : public HashedVector<T, Q, R>
358 {
359  public:
364  std::vector<R> targ;
365  inline void GenerateHash();
366 };
368 template <class T, class Q, class R, class S> class HashedVectorPair : public HashedVector<T, Q, R>
369 {
370  S defaultVal = S(0);
372  public:
376  std::vector<S> targ;
378  S &operator()(const T &elm)
379  {
380  int pos = this->HashedVector<T, Q, R>::find(elm);
381  if (pos == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
382  {
383  this->push_back(elm, S(0));
384  pos = this->size() - 1;
385  }
386  return this->targ[pos];
387  }
388  const S &operator()(const T &elm) const
389  {
390  int pos = this->HashedVector<T, Q, R>::find(elm);
391  if (pos == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
392  {
393  return this->defaultVal;
394  }
395  return this->targ[pos];
396  }
397  void reserve(const size_t a)
398  {
400  this->vec.reserve(a);
401  }
402  void assign(const size_t a, const T &elmVec, const S &elmTarg)
403  {
404  this->HashedVector<T, Q, R>::assign(a, elmVec);
405  this->targ.assign(a, elmTarg);
406  }
407  void push_back(const T &elmVec, const S &elmTarg)
408  {
409  this->HashedVector<T, Q, R>::push_back(elmVec);
410  this->targ.push_back(elmTarg);
411  }
412  void clear()
413  {
415  this->targ.clear();
416  }
417 };
419 template <class T, class Q, class R = int> class HashedVectorSafe : protected HashedVector<T, Q, R>
420 { // container for
421  protected:
426  public:
435  void operator=(const std::vector<T> &a)
436  {
437  vec = a;
438  isHash = false;
439  }
440  void operator=(const HashedVector<T, Q> &a)
441  {
442  vec = a.vec;
443  isHash = a.isHash;
444  hashTable = a.hashTable;
445  }
446  T &operator[](const int a)
447  {
448  // [] Operator returns a reference to the corresponding elems.
449 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
450  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= vec.size()) | (0 > a))
451  {
452  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
453  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" : Index is out of range");
454  }
455 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
456  isHash = 0;
457  return (vec[a]);
458  }
459  const T &operator[](const int a) const
460  {
461  // [] Operator returns a reference to the corresponding elems.
462 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
463  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= vec.size()) | (0 > a))
464  {
465  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
466  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" : Index is out of range");
467  }
468 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
469  return (vec[a]);
470  }
471  const T &isearch(const int b) const
472  {
473  // () Operator returns a constant pointer to the corresponding elems.
474  // Cannot be used on the left hand side and can't be used to edit data in
475  // elems
476  int a = this->find(b);
477 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS // adds a check in debug mode
478  if ((unsigned_int(a) >= vec.size()) | (0 > a))
479  {
480  std::cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
481  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" : Index is out of range");
482  }
483 #endif // SAFE_ACCESS
484  return (&(vec[a]));
485  }
486 };
488 // Base class
491 { // Abstract class to ensure interface is correct
492  public:
493  int index = 0;
494  bool isBorder = false;
496  virtual void disp() const = 0;
497  virtual int Key() const = 0;
498  virtual void ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu) = 0;
499  virtual void PrepareForUse() = 0;
500  virtual bool isready(bool isInMesh) const = 0;
501  virtual void read(FILE *fid) = 0;
502  virtual void write(FILE *fid) const = 0;
503  virtual void TightenConnectivity() = 0;
504  // virtual operator=( meshpart* other)=0 ;
505 };
507 class snakpart
508 { // required functions for parts of snake
509  public:
510  virtual int KeyParent() const = 0;
511 };
514 { // required functions for parts of snake
515  protected:
516  bool isModif = true;
518  public:
519  bool returnIsModif() const
520  {
521  return (isModif);
522  }
523 };
525 // functions
526 template <class T> bool CompareDisp(T *mesh1, T *mesh2);
527 template <class T> int TestReadiness(T &stackT, const char *txt, bool errTarg, bool errTargCheck);
528 template <class T> void DisplayVector(std::vector<T> vec);
529 template <class T> void DisplayVectorStatistics(std::vector<T> vec);
530 template <class T> void PrintVector(std::vector<T> vec, std::ostream &streamout);
532 template <class T, class R>
533 R ConcatenateVectorField(const ArrayStruct<T> &arrayIn, R T::*mp, const std::vector<int> &subList);
534 template <class T, class R>
535 std::vector<R> ConcatenateScalarField(const ArrayStruct<T> &arrayIn, R T::*mp, const std::vector<int> &subList);
536 template <class T, class R> R ConcatenateVectorField(const ArrayStruct<T> &arrayIn, R T::*mp, int rStart, int rEnd);
538 template <class T, class R>
539 std::vector<R> ConcatenateScalarField(const ArrayStruct<T> &arrayIn, R T::*mp, int rStart, int rEnd);
541 template <class T, class R, class U, class V>
542 void OperArrayStructMethod(const ArrayStruct<T> &arrayIn, const std::vector<int> &subList, R T::*mp, U &out, V oper);
543 template <template <class Q, class R> class T, class Q, class R> void EraseKeyPair(T<Q, R> hashTable, Q key, R pos);
545 // test functions
547 // template <class T> bool CompareDisp(T *mesh1,T *mesh2);
548 // bool CompareFuncOut(function<void()> mesh1, function<void()> mesh2);
550 #include "arraystructures_incl.cpp"
551 #include "snakstruct_incl.cpp"
555 // Regexp to add std everywhere
556 // ([^:])((exception|cerr|endl|cout|vector|unordered_multimap|string|stringstream)[^a-zA-Z0-9_])
557 // \1std::\2
Class for mesh handling.
Definition: mesh.hpp:592
Definition: snake.hpp:83
Class for surface object in a mesh.
Definition: mesh.hpp:267
Namespace for general purpose tools of the RSVS project.
Definition: snake.cpp:1464
File for the implementation of the class template SnakStruct this .cpp file is INCLUDED as part of ar...
Provides the error and warning system used by the RSVS3D project.
Throw a range_error.
Definition: warning.hpp:173