rsvs3D  0.0.0
Codes for the c++ implementation of the 3D RSVS
incl Directory Reference


file  arraystructures.hpp [code]
 Provide std::vector container with hashed index mapping.
file  filesystem.hpp [code]
 Custom filesystem header Faff about with filesystem depending on version To give a readable compile time error if incompatible things are attempted.
file  main.hpp [code]
 file containing the main functions and the command line parser.
file  matrixtools.hpp [code]
 Tools to support conversion, display and derivatives of Eigen matrices.
file  mesh.hpp [code]
 Provides all the mesh tools used for the generation of 3D grids and geometries.
file  meshprocessing.hpp [code]
 Tools for the mathematical processing of meshes.
file  meshrefinement.hpp [code]
 Tools for the refinement and coarsening of meshes.
file  parameters.hpp [code]
 Parameters for the integrated 3DRSVS.
file  polyscopersvs.hpp [code]
 Provide an interface between the RSVS process and polyscope.
file  postprocessing.hpp [code]
 Provide tecplot file formating for mesh and snake outputs.
file  RSVSalgorithm.hpp [code]
 Functions which are part of the RSVS algorithm but not core to the snaking process.
file  RSVScalc.hpp [code]
 Provides the infrastructure for calculation of the RSVS equations.
file  RSVScalctools.hpp [code]
 Provides internal tools for RSVS calc.
file  RSVSclass.hpp [code]
 Simple class containing all the information needed for the 3D-RSVS execution.
file  RSVSintegration.hpp [code]
 Integration into the full 3 dimensional Restricted Snake Volume of Solid method.
file  rsvsjson.hpp [code]
 Interface between the RSVS project and the JSON for Modern C++ library.
file  RSVSmath.hpp [code]
 Performs Volume and Area calculations for the RSVS process.
file  rsvsutils.hpp [code]
 Provides various utility functions for the RSVS operation.
file  snake.hpp [code]
 Provides the core restricted surface snake container.
file  snakeengine.hpp [code]
 Functions needed to evolve the r-surface snake.
file  SnakeVelocities.hpp [code]
 This file contains declarations of the valid velocity entries.
file  SnakeVelocityCalculator.hpp [code]
 Interface for the Snaking algorithm.
file  snakstruct_incl.cpp [code]
 File for the implementation of the class template SnakStruct this .cpp file is INCLUDED as part of arraystructures.hpp and cannot be compiled on its own.
file  SQPstep.hpp [code]
 Provides the infrastructure for calculation of the RSVS equations.
file  test.hpp [code]
 Provides the custom testing system used by the RSVS3D project.
file  tetgenrsvs.hpp [code]
 Interface between the RSVS project and tetgen.
file  triangulate.hpp [code]
 Provides a triangulation for snake and meshes.
file  vectorarray.hpp [code]
 Provides a 2D std::vector based container.
file  vectorarray_incl.cpp [code]
 File for the implementation of the class template vectorarray this .cpp file is INCLUDED as part of vectorarray.hpp and cannot be compiled on its own.
file  voxel.hpp [code]
 Generation of cartesian grids.
file  warning.hpp [code]
 Provides the error and warning system used by the RSVS3D project.