rsvs3D  0.0.0
Codes for the c++ implementation of the 3D RSVS
3 #include "snake.hpp"
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include <limits>
8 #include <stdexcept>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "mesh.hpp"
12 #include "meshprocessing.hpp"
13 #include "rsvsutils.hpp"
14 #include "warning.hpp"
16 using namespace std;
18 // Implementation of features
20 // Class Method implementaton
22 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 // Implementatation of snax - snaxedge - snaxsurf
24 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 void snax::disp() const
26 {
27  cout << "snax #" << index << "; d " << d << "; v " << v << "; edgeind " << edgeind << "; fromvert " << fromvert
28  << "; tovert " << tovert << "; isfreeze " << isfreeze << "; orderedge " << orderedge << " | isBorder "
29  << isBorder << endl;
30 }
32 void snaxedge::disp() const
33 {
34  cout << "snaxedge #" << index << " | surfind " << surfind << " "
35  << " | isBorder " << isBorder << " ";
36  normvector.disp();
37 }
39 void snaxsurf::disp() const
40 {
41  cout << "snaxsurf #" << index << index << " | voluind " << voluind << " "
42  << " | isBorder " << isBorder << " ";
43  normvector.disp();
44 }
46 // file i/o
47 void snax::write(FILE *fid) const
48 {
49  fprintf(fid, "%i %lf %lf %i %i %i %i %i \n", index, d, v, edgeind, fromvert, tovert, isfreeze, orderedge);
50 }
52 void snaxedge::write(FILE *fid) const
53 {
54  fprintf(fid, "%i %i %lf %lf %lf \n", index, surfind, normvector(0), normvector(1), normvector(2));
55 }
57 void snaxsurf::write(FILE *fid) const
58 {
59  fprintf(fid, "%i %i %lf %lf %lf \n", index, voluind, normvector(0), normvector(1), normvector(2));
60 }
61 void snax::read(FILE *fid)
62 {
63  fscanf(fid, "%i %lf %lf %i %i %i %i %i ", &index, &d, &v, &edgeind, &fromvert, &tovert, &isfreeze, &orderedge);
64 }
66 void snaxedge::read(FILE *fid)
67 {
68  fscanf(fid, "%i %i %lf %lf %lf ", &index, &surfind, &normvector[0], &normvector[1], &normvector[2]);
69 }
71 void snaxsurf::read(FILE *fid)
72 {
73  fscanf(fid, "%i %i %lf %lf %lf ", &index, &voluind, &normvector[0], &normvector[1], &normvector[2]);
74 }
76 void snaxedge::PrepareForUse()
77 {
78  normvector.PrepareForUse();
79 }
81 void snaxsurf::PrepareForUse()
82 {
83  normvector.PrepareForUse();
84 }
86 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
87 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
88 void snax::disptree(const mesh &meshin, int n) const
89 {
90  disp();
91  meshin.verts.isearch(index)->disptree(meshin, n);
92 }
93 void snaxedge::disptree(const mesh &meshin, int n) const
94 {
95  disp();
96  meshin.edges.isearch(index)->disptree(meshin, n);
97 }
98 void snaxsurf::disptree(const mesh &meshin, int n) const
99 {
100  disp();
101  meshin.surfs.isearch(index)->disptree(meshin, n);
102 }
103 void snax::disptree(const snake &snakein, int n) const
104 {
105  int i;
106  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
107  {
108  cout << " ";
109  }
110  disp();
111  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
112  {
113  cout << " ";
114  }
115  snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(index)->disp();
116  if (n > 0)
117  {
118  for (i = 0; unsigned_int(i) < snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(index)->edgeind.size(); i++)
119  {
120  snakein.snaxedges.isearch(snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(index)->edgeind[i])->disptree(snakein, n - 1);
121  }
122  }
123 }
124 void snaxedge::disptree(const snake &snakein, int n) const
125 {
126  int i;
127  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
128  {
129  cout << " ";
130  }
131  disp();
132  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
133  {
134  cout << " ";
135  }
136  snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(index)->disp();
137  if (n > 0)
138  {
139  for (i = 0; unsigned_int(i) < snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(index)->vertind.size(); i++)
140  {
141  snakein.snaxs.isearch(snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(index)->vertind[i])->disptree(snakein, n - 1);
142  }
143  for (i = 0; unsigned_int(i) < snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(index)->surfind.size(); i++)
144  {
145  snakein.snaxsurfs.isearch(snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(index)->surfind[i])->disptree(snakein, n - 1);
146  }
147  }
148 }
149 void snaxsurf::disptree(const snake &snakein, int n) const
150 {
151  int i;
152  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
153  {
154  cout << " ";
155  }
156  disp();
157  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
158  {
159  cout << " ";
160  }
161  snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(index)->disp();
162  if (n > 0)
163  {
164  for (i = 0; unsigned_int(i) < snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(index)->edgeind.size(); i++)
165  {
166  snakein.snaxedges.isearch(snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(index)->edgeind[i])->disptree(snakein, n - 1);
167  }
168  }
169 }
171 void snax::ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
172 {
173  index += nVert;
174 }
175 void snaxedge::ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
176 {
177  index += nEdge;
178 }
179 void snaxsurf::ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
180 {
181  index += nSurf;
182 }
183 void snax::ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
184 {
185  fromvert += nVert;
186  tovert += nVert;
187  edgeind += nEdge;
188 }
189 void snaxedge::ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
190 {
191  surfind += nSurf;
192 }
193 void snaxsurf::ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
194 {
195  voluind += nVolu;
196 }
197 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 // Extensions of SnakStruct for snaxarray
201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 bool snaxarray::checkready()
204 {
205  this->readyforuse = SnakStruct<snax>::checkready();
206  this->readyforuse = (this->readyforuse && this->isOrderedOnEdge);
207  return (this->readyforuse);
208 }
209 void snaxarray::PrepareForUse()
210 {
212  if (isOrderedOnEdge == 0)
213  {
214  this->ReorderOnEdge();
215  }
216  readyforuse = true;
217 }
218 void snaxarray::Concatenate(const snaxarray &other)
219 {
221  isOrderedOnEdge = 0;
222 }
223 void snaxarray::ForceArrayReady()
224 {
226  isOrderedOnEdge = 1;
227 }
229 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 // Implementatation of snake
231 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 void snake::disp() const
234 {
235  snaxs.disp();
236  snaxedges.disp();
237  snaxsurfs.disp();
238  snakeconn.disp();
239  cout << "Snaking Mesh with ";
240  snakemesh()->displight();
241 }
242 void snake::displight() const
243 {
244  cout << "snake: snax " << snaxs.size();
245  cout << "; snaxedges " << snaxedges.size();
246  cout << "; snaxsurfs " << snaxsurfs.size() << endl;
248  cout << "Snake with connectivity ";
249  snakeconn.displight();
251  cout << "Snaking Mesh with ";
252  snakemesh()->displight();
253 }
255 void snake::read(FILE *fid)
256 {
262 }
263 void snake::write(FILE *fid) const
264 {
265  // fprintf(fid,"%i \n",int(borderIsSet));
266  snaxs.write(fid);
267  snaxedges.write(fid);
268  snaxsurfs.write(fid);
270  snakeconn.write(fid);
271 }
272 int snake::read(const char *str)
273 {
274  // Convenience read function taking a single char argument
275  FILE *fid;
276  fid = fopen(str, "r");
277  if (fid != NULL)
278  {
279  this->read(fid);
280  fclose(fid);
281  }
282  else
283  {
284  cout << "File " << str << "Could not be opened to read" << endl;
285  return (1);
286  }
287  return (0);
288 }
289 int snake::write(const char *str) const
290 {
291  FILE *fid;
292  fid = fopen(str, "w");
293  if (fid != NULL)
294  {
295  this->write(fid);
296  fclose(fid);
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  cout << "File " << str << "Could not be opened to write" << endl;
301  return (1);
302  }
303  return (0);
304 }
306 bool snake::isready() const
307 {
308  bool readyforuse = true;
309  readyforuse = readyforuse & snaxs.isready();
310  readyforuse = readyforuse & snaxedges.isready();
311  readyforuse = readyforuse & snaxsurfs.isready();
312  readyforuse = readyforuse & snakeconn.isready();
313  readyforuse = readyforuse & snakemesh()->isready();
315  return (readyforuse);
316 }
318 inline void snake::GetMaxIndex(int *nVert, int *nEdge, int *nSurf, int *nVolu) const
319 {
320  snakeconn.GetMaxIndex(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
321 }
323 void snake::PrepareForUse(bool needOrder)
324 {
325  snaxs.isInMesh = true;
326  snaxedges.isInMesh = true;
327  snaxsurfs.isInMesh = true;
329  snaxs.PrepareForUse();
330  snaxedges.PrepareForUse();
331  snaxsurfs.PrepareForUse();
332  snakeconn.PrepareForUse(needOrder);
333  if (this->snakemesh() != NULL)
334  {
335  snakemesh()->PrepareForUse();
336  }
337  else
338  {
339  cerr << endl
340  << "Warning: Mesh containing snake unset in snake"
341  " object.\n use `SetSnakeMesh(mesh *snakemeshin)` to set attribute"
342  " `snakemesh` to a mesh pointer"
343  << endl;
344  return;
345  }
347  is3D = int(snakemesh()->volus.size()) > 0;
349  if (int(isMeshVertIn.size()) != int(snakemesh()->verts.size()))
350  {
351  isMeshVertIn.assign(snakemesh()->verts.size(), false);
352  }
353 }
354 void snake::HashArray()
355 {
356  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
357  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
358  // Use HashArray when debugging to be sure that fields are correctly hashed
359  snaxs.HashArray();
360  snaxedges.HashArray();
361  snaxsurfs.HashArray();
362  snakeconn.HashArray();
363  snakemesh()->HashArray();
364 }
365 void snake::HashParent()
366 {
367  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
368  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
369  // Use HashArray when debugging to be sure that fields are correctly hashed
370  snaxs.HashParent();
371  snaxedges.HashParent();
372  snaxsurfs.HashParent();
373 }
374 void snake::HashArrayNM()
375 {
376  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
377  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
378  // Use HashArray when debugging to be sure that fields are correctly hashed
379  snaxs.HashArray();
380  snaxedges.HashArray();
381  snaxsurfs.HashArray();
382  snakeconn.HashArray();
383 }
384 void snake::SetMaxIndex()
385 {
386  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
387  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
389  snaxs.SetMaxIndex();
390  snaxedges.SetMaxIndex();
391  snaxsurfs.SetMaxIndex();
392  snakeconn.SetMaxIndex();
393  snakemesh()->SetMaxIndex();
394 }
395 void snake::SetMaxIndexNM()
396 {
397  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
398  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
400  snaxs.SetMaxIndex();
401  snaxedges.SetMaxIndex();
402  snaxsurfs.SetMaxIndex();
403  snakeconn.SetMaxIndex();
404 }
405 void snake::SetLastIndex()
406 {
407  // prefer use of PrepareForUse in final code as it includes checks to
408  // avoid unnecessary repetiion of work
410  snaxs.SetLastIndex();
411  snaxedges.SetLastIndex();
412  snaxsurfs.SetLastIndex();
413  snakeconn.SetLastIndex();
414  snakemesh()->SetLastIndex();
415 }
417 void snake::Init(mesh *snakemeshin, int nSnax, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
418 {
419  // Initialise a snake
420  is3D = snakemeshin->volus.size() > 0;
422  snaxs.Init(nSnax);
423  snaxedges.Init(nEdge);
424  snaxsurfs.Init(nSurf);
426  snaxs.isInMesh = true;
427  snaxedges.isInMesh = true;
428  snaxsurfs.isInMesh = true;
430  snakeconn.Init(nSnax, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
432  this->SetSnakeMesh(snakemeshin);
433 }
435 void snake::SetSnakeMesh(mesh *snakemeshin)
436 {
437  this->privatesnakemesh = snakemeshin;
438  this->isSetStepLimit = false;
439  this->isMeshVertIn.assign(snakemeshin->verts.size(), false);
440  this->edgeStepLimit.assign(this->snakemesh()->edges.size(), 1.0);
441 }
442 void snake::reserve(int nSnax, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
443 {
444  // Initialise a
446  snaxs.reserve(nSnax);
447  snaxedges.reserve(nEdge);
448  snaxsurfs.reserve(nSurf);
450  snaxs.isInMesh = true;
451  snaxedges.isInMesh = true;
452  snaxsurfs.isInMesh = true;
454  snakeconn.reserve(nSnax, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
455 }
457 void snake::ChangeIndices(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
458 {
459  snaxs.ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
460  snaxedges.ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
461  snaxsurfs.ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
462  snakeconn.ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
463 }
464 void snake::ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(int nVert, int nEdge, int nSurf, int nVolu)
465 {
466  int ii = 0;
467  for (ii = 0; ii < snaxs.size(); ++ii)
468  {
469  snaxs[ii].ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
470  }
471  for (ii = 0; ii < snaxedges.size(); ++ii)
472  {
473  snaxedges[ii].ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
474  }
475  for (ii = 0; ii < snaxsurfs.size(); ++ii)
476  {
477  snaxsurfs[ii].ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
478  }
479  // Nothing to do for snakeconn
480  // snakeconn.ChangeIndicesSnakeMesh(nVert,nEdge,nSurf,nVolu);
482  snakemesh()->ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf,
483  nVolu); // Maybe this one is a bad idea
484 }
486 int CompareSnakeInternalStatus(const vector<bool> &thisVec, bool thisFlipped, const vector<bool> &otherVec,
487  bool otherFlipped)
488 {
489  /*
490  Checks if a snake is inside another using information from the points inside
491  the snaking mesh.
492  Works by finding counter examples.
493  This is not a complete test and assumes a relatively simple relationship
494  between the two snakes. of either one completely internal or the two side by
495  side.
496  */
497  bool isIndep;
498  int ii, ni;
499  ni = thisVec.size();
500  isIndep = true;
501  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
502  {
503  if ((thisVec[ii] ^ thisFlipped) && (otherVec[ii] ^ otherFlipped))
504  {
505  isIndep = false;
506  break;
507  }
508  }
510  return (int(isIndep));
511 }
512 void snake::Concatenate(const snake &other, int isInternal)
513 {
514  /*
515  isInternal=0 status unknown
516  isInternal=1 other snake is inside this
517  isInternal=2 this snake is inside other
518  isInternal=-1 other and this are independant
519  */
520  int i, ni, isIndep;
521  if (this->snakemesh() == other.snakemesh())
522  {
523  this->snaxs.Concatenate(other.snaxs);
524  this->snaxedges.Concatenate(other.snaxedges);
525  this->snaxsurfs.Concatenate(other.snaxsurfs);
526  this->snakeconn.Concatenate(other.snakeconn);
527  // Maintain the internal status
528  ni = isMeshVertIn.size();
530  if (isInternal == 0)
531  {
532  isIndep = CompareSnakeInternalStatus(isMeshVertIn, ReturnFlip(), other.isMeshVertIn, other.ReturnFlip());
533  }
534  else
535  {
536  isIndep = isInternal <= 0;
537  }
538  // cout << "Indep status " << isIndep << isFlipped << other.isFlipped << " "
539  // ;
540  if (isIndep)
541  {
542  for (i = 0; i < ni; ++i)
543  {
544  isMeshVertIn[i] =
545  ((isMeshVertIn[i] ^ isFlipped) || (other.isMeshVertIn[i] ^ other.isFlipped)) ^ isFlipped;
546  }
547  }
548  else
549  {
550  for (i = 0; i < ni; ++i)
551  {
552  isMeshVertIn[i] =
553  ((isMeshVertIn[i] ^ isFlipped) && (other.isMeshVertIn[i] ^ other.isFlipped)) ^ isFlipped;
554  }
555  }
557  // if(!isFlipped && !other.isFlipped){
558  // for (i=0;i<ni;++i){
559  // isMeshVertIn[i]= isMeshVertIn[i] || other.isMeshVertIn[i];
560  // }
561  // } else if (isFlipped && other.isFlipped) {
562  // for (i=0;i<ni;++i){
563  // isMeshVertIn[i]= isMeshVertIn[i] || other.isMeshVertIn[i];
564  // }
565  // } else if (!isFlipped && other.isFlipped) {
566  // for (i=0;i<ni;++i){
567  // isMeshVertIn[i]= isMeshVertIn[i] ^ other.isMeshVertIn[i];
568  // } //xor
569  // } else if (isFlipped && !other.isFlipped) {
570  // for (i=0;i<ni;++i){
571  // isMeshVertIn[i]= isMeshVertIn[i] ^ other.isMeshVertIn[i];
572  // } //xor
573  // }
574  }
575  else
576  {
577  RSVS3D_ERROR_ARGUMENT("Concatenation of snakes with different base meshes not supported");
578  }
579 }
581 void snake::MakeCompatible_inplace(snake &other) const
582 {
583  // Makes other mesh compatible with this to be
584  // merged without index crashes
586  int nVert, nEdge, nVolu, nSurf, ii;
588  // Define Max indices in current mesh
589  this->GetMaxIndex(&nVert, &nEdge, &nSurf, &nVolu);
590  other.ChangeIndices(nVert, nEdge, nSurf, nVolu);
591  for (ii = 0; ii < other.snaxs.size(); ++ii)
592  {
593  other.snaxs[ii].orderedge = -1;
594  }
595 }
596 snake snake::MakeCompatible(snake other) const
597 {
598  MakeCompatible_inplace(other);
599  return (other);
600 }
602 void snake::VertIsIn(int vertInd, bool isIn)
603 {
604  if (this->snakemesh() != NULL)
605  {
606  int i = this->snakemesh()->verts.find(vertInd);
607  if (i != -1)
608  {
609  isMeshVertIn[i] = isIn;
610  }
611  }
612 }
613 void snake::VertIsIn(vector<int> vertInd, bool isIn)
614 {
615  if (this->snakemesh() != NULL)
616  {
617  int nj = vertInd.size();
618  for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++)
619  {
620  int i = this->snakemesh()->verts.find(vertInd[j]);
621  if (i != -1)
622  {
623  isMeshVertIn[i] = isIn;
624  }
625  }
626  }
627 }
629 void snake::CheckConnectivity() const
630 {
631  int ii, jj, ni, kk, ll, errCount, errTot;
632  vector<int> testSub;
633  bool isErr;
635  testSub.reserve(10);
637  errCount = 0;
638  errTot = 0;
639  ni = int(snaxs.size());
640  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
641  {
642  if (snaxs.countparent(snaxs(ii)->KeyParent()) > 1)
643  {
644  snaxs.findsiblings(snaxs(ii)->KeyParent(), testSub);
645  for (jj = 0; jj < int(testSub.size()); ++jj)
646  {
647  isErr = false;
648  if (snaxedges(ii)->index != snaxedges(testSub[jj])->index)
649  {
650  for (kk = 0; kk < int(snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind.size()); kk++)
651  {
652  if ((snakeconn.edges.isearch(snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind[kk])->vertind[0] ==
653  snaxs(testSub[jj])->index) ||
654  (snakeconn.edges.isearch(snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind[kk])->vertind[1] ==
655  snaxs(testSub[jj])->index))
656  {
657  isErr = true;
658  break;
659  }
660  }
661  }
662  if (isErr)
663  {
664  cerr << endl
665  << " Test Snake Connectivity Error :" << errCount << " snaxel " << snakeconn.verts(ii)->index
666  << " is connected to snaxel " << snaxs(testSub[jj])->index << " list: " << endl;
667  snakeconn.verts(ii)->disp();
668  snakeconn.verts(testSub[jj])->disp();
669  errCount++;
670  }
671  }
672  }
673  }
674  if (errCount > 0)
675  {
676  cerr << "Test Connectivity snax (same edge connectivity) Errors :" << errCount << endl;
677  }
678  errTot += errCount;
679  errCount = 0;
680  ni = int(snaxs.size());
681  /*Snaxel does not have the same number of edges as its parent edge
682  has surface connections*/
683  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
684  {
685  if (snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind.size() != snakemesh()->edges.isearch(snaxs(ii)->edgeind)->surfind.size())
686  {
687  cerr << endl
688  << " Test snax number of edges error :" << errCount << " snaxel-vertex " << snakeconn.verts(ii)->index
689  << " is connected to snaxel " << snaxs(ii)->edgeind << " list: " << endl;
690  snakeconn.verts(ii)->disp();
691  snakemesh()->edges.isearch(snaxs(ii)->edgeind)->disp();
692  errCount++;
693  }
694  }
695  if (errCount > 0)
696  {
697  cerr << "Test Connectivity snax (edges in surfs) Errors :" << errCount << endl;
698  }
699  errTot += errCount;
701  errCount = 0;
702  errTot = 0;
703  ni = int(snaxedges.size());
704  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
705  {
706  if (snaxedges.countparent(snaxedges(ii)->KeyParent()) > 1)
707  {
708  snaxedges.findsiblings(snaxedges(ii)->KeyParent(), testSub);
709  for (jj = 0; jj < int(testSub.size()); ++jj)
710  {
711  isErr = false;
712  if (snaxedges(ii)->index != snaxedges(testSub[jj])->index)
713  {
714  for (kk = 0; kk < int(snakeconn.edges(ii)->vertind.size()); kk++)
715  {
716  if ((snakeconn.edges(ii)->vertind[kk] == snakeconn.edges(testSub[jj])->vertind[0]) ||
717  (snakeconn.edges(ii)->vertind[kk] == snakeconn.edges(testSub[jj])->vertind[1]))
718  {
719  isErr = true;
720  break;
721  }
722  }
723  }
724  if (isErr)
725  {
726  cerr << endl
727  << " Test SnakeEdges Connectivity Error :" << errCount << " snaxedge "
728  << snakeconn.edges(ii)->index << " is connected to snaxedge " << snaxedges(testSub[jj])->index
729  << " list: " << endl;
730  snakeconn.edges(ii)->disp();
731  snakeconn.edges(testSub[jj])->disp();
732  errCount++;
733  }
734  }
735  }
736  }
737  if (errCount > 0)
738  {
739  cerr << "Test Connectivity snaxedge (same surf connectivity) Errors :" << errCount << endl;
740  }
741  errTot += errCount;
743  errCount = 0;
744  errTot = 0;
745  ni = int(snaxsurfs.size());
746  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
747  {
748  if (snaxsurfs.countparent(snaxsurfs(ii)->KeyParent()) > 1)
749  {
750  snaxsurfs.findsiblings(snaxsurfs(ii)->KeyParent(), testSub);
751  for (jj = 0; jj < int(testSub.size()); ++jj)
752  {
753  isErr = false;
754  if (snaxsurfs(ii)->index != snaxsurfs(testSub[jj])->index)
755  {
756  for (kk = 0; kk < int(snakeconn.surfs(ii)->edgeind.size()); kk++)
757  {
758  for (ll = 0; ll < int(snakeconn.surfs(testSub[jj])->edgeind.size()); ++ll)
759  {
760  if (snakeconn.surfs(testSub[jj])->edgeind[ll] == snakeconn.surfs(ii)->edgeind[kk])
761  {
762  isErr = true;
763  break;
764  }
765  }
766  if (isErr)
767  {
768  break;
769  }
770  }
771  }
772  if (isErr)
773  {
774  cerr << endl
775  << " Test SnakeSurf Connectivity Error :" << errCount << " snaxsurf "
776  << snakeconn.surfs(ii)->index << " is connected to snaxsurf " << snaxsurfs(testSub[jj])->index
777  << " list: " << endl;
778  snakeconn.surfs(ii)->disp();
779  snakeconn.surfs(testSub[jj])->disp();
780  errCount++;
781  }
782  }
783  }
784  }
785  if (errCount > 0)
786  {
787  cerr << "Test Connectivity snaxsurf (same volu connectivity) Errors :" << errCount << endl;
788  }
789  errTot += errCount;
791  if (errTot > 0)
792  {
793  cerr << errTot << " Total errors were detected in the connectivity list" << endl;
794  }
795 }
797 void snake::OrderEdges()
798 {
799  int nNewSurfs;
800  snaxsurf newSurf;
801  vector<int> newSurfPairs;
803  newSurfPairs = snakeconn.OrderEdges();
804  nNewSurfs = int(newSurfPairs.size() / 2);
805  for (int i = 0; i < nNewSurfs; ++i)
806  {
807  newSurf = *(snaxsurfs.isearch(newSurfPairs[i * 2]));
808  newSurf.index = newSurfPairs[i * 2 + 1];
809  snaxsurfs.push_back(newSurf);
810  }
811  // int nVerts = this->snakeconn.verts.size();
812  // for (int i =0; i<nVerts ; ++i){
813  // this->snakeconn.verts.elems[i].OrderEdges(&(this->snakeconn));
814  // }
815 }
817 // Snake Movement
818 void snake::UpdateDistance(double dt, double maxDstep, bool scaledStep)
819 {
820  int ii;
821  double dStep = 0.0;
822  int nSnax = int(snaxs.size());
824  if (!this->isSetStepLimit && scaledStep)
825  {
826  this->SetEdgeStepLimits();
827  }
829  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
830  {
831  double indivMaxDstep = 1.0 * maxDstep;
832  if (scaledStep)
833  {
834  indivMaxDstep = this->SnaxStepLimit(ii) * indivMaxDstep;
835  }
836  if (snaxs[ii].v * dt > indivMaxDstep)
837  {
838  dStep = indivMaxDstep;
839  }
840  else if (snaxs[ii].v * dt < -indivMaxDstep)
841  {
842  dStep = -indivMaxDstep;
843  }
844  else
845  {
846  dStep = snaxs[ii].v * dt;
847  }
848  snaxs[ii].d = snaxs[ii].d + dStep;
849  // Make sure d is in [0.0, 1.0]
850  snaxs[ii].d = min(max(snaxs[ii].d, 0.0), 1.0);
851  }
852 }
854 void snake::UpdateDistance(const vector<double> &dt, double maxDstep, bool scaledStep)
855 {
856  int ii;
857  double dStep = 0.0;
858  if (int(dt.size()) != snaxs.size())
859  {
860  RSVS3D_ERROR_TYPE("Mismatching sizes passed to Update distance of snake"
861  "Snake and Dt had mismatched sizes at snake::UpdateDistance",
862  length_error);
863  }
865  if (!this->isSetStepLimit && scaledStep)
866  {
867  this->SetEdgeStepLimits();
868  }
870  int nSnax = int(snaxs.size());
871  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
872  {
873  double indivMaxDstep = 1.0 * maxDstep;
874  if (scaledStep)
875  {
876  indivMaxDstep = this->SnaxStepLimit(ii) * indivMaxDstep;
877  }
878  if (snaxs[ii].v * dt[ii] > indivMaxDstep)
879  {
880  dStep = indivMaxDstep;
881  }
882  else if (snaxs[ii].v * dt[ii] < -indivMaxDstep)
883  {
884  dStep = -indivMaxDstep;
885  }
886  else
887  {
888  dStep = snaxs[ii].v * dt[ii];
889  }
890  snaxs[ii].d = snaxs[ii].d + dStep;
891  // Make sure d is in [0.0, 1.0]
892  snaxs[ii].d = min(max(snaxs[ii].d, 0.0), 1.0);
893  }
894 }
903 {
904  int nEdges = this->snakemesh()->edges.size();
905  int numParents = this->snakemesh()->meshtree.NumberOfParents();
906  std::vector<int> edgeAccess;
907  HashedVector<int, int> edgeInds;
908  edgeAccess.assign(nEdges, 0);
909  this->edgeStepLimit.assign(nEdges, 0.0);
910  edgeInds.reserve(nEdges);
912  for (int i = 0; i < numParents; ++i)
913  {
914  // go through each Parent volus
915  auto parentmesh = this->snakemesh()->meshtree.ParentPointer(i);
916  // identify all the child volumes
917  // identify the edges they touch
918  int nParentVolus = parentmesh->volus.size();
919  for (int j = 0; j < nParentVolus; ++j)
920  {
921  double minEdgeLength = INFINITY;
922  auto snakeMeshVolus = this->snakemesh()->meshtree.ChildIndices(i, parentmesh->volus(j)->index);
923  edgeInds.clear();
924  for (auto iVolu : snakeMeshVolus)
925  {
926  for (auto iSurf : this->snakemesh()->volus(iVolu)->surfind)
927  {
928  for (auto iEdge : this->snakemesh()->surfs.isearch(iSurf)->edgeind)
929  {
930  if (edgeInds.find(iEdge) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
931  {
932  minEdgeLength = min(minEdgeLength, this->snakemesh()->edges.isearch(iEdge)->GetLength());
933  edgeInds.push_back(iEdge);
934  }
935  }
936  }
937  }
939  for (auto iEdge : edgeInds.vec)
940  {
941  int iEdgePos = this->snakemesh()->edges.find(iEdge);
942  edgeAccess[iEdgePos]++;
943  this->edgeStepLimit[iEdgePos] += minEdgeLength / this->snakemesh()->edges(iEdgePos)->GetLength();
944  }
945  }
946  }
947  for (int i = 0; i < nEdges; ++i)
948  {
949  if (edgeAccess[i] > 1)
950  {
951  this->edgeStepLimit[i] = this->edgeStepLimit[i] / double(edgeAccess[i]);
952  }
953  else if (edgeAccess[i] < 1)
954  {
955  this->edgeStepLimit[i] = 1.0;
956  }
957  }
958  if (numParents > 0)
959  {
960  this->isSetStepLimit = true;
961  }
962 }
964 double snake::SnaxStepLimit(int snaxSub) const
965 {
966  int iEdge = this->snakemesh()->edges.find(this->snaxs(snaxSub)->edgeind);
967 #ifdef SAFE_ACCESS
968  // this->disp();
969  if (iEdge == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound || iEdge >= int(this->edgeStepLimit.size()))
970  {
971  std::cerr << snaxSub << "," << this->snaxs.size() << "," << this->edgeStepLimit.size() << "," << iEdge << ","
972  << this->snaxs(snaxSub)->edgeind;
973  RSVS3D_ERROR("Attemp to access an edge which was not found in "
974  "snake::snakemesh into snake::edgeStepLimit.");
975  }
976 #endif
977  return this->edgeStepLimit[iEdge];
978 }
980 void snake::UpdateCoord()
981 {
982  int fromVertSub, toVertSub;
983  int ii, jj;
984  int nSnax = int(snaxs.size());
985  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
986  {
987  fromVertSub = snakemesh()->verts.find(snaxs(ii)->fromvert);
988  toVertSub = snakemesh()->verts.find(snaxs(ii)->tovert);
990  for (jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj)
991  {
992  snakeconn.verts.elems[ii].coord[jj] =
993  (snakemesh()->verts(toVertSub)->coord[jj] - snakemesh()->verts(fromVertSub)->coord[jj]) * snaxs(ii)->d +
994  snakemesh()->verts(fromVertSub)->coord[jj];
995  }
996  for (auto iEdge : snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind)
997  {
998  this->snakeconn.InvalidateEdgeLength(iEdge);
999  }
1000  }
1002  this->snakeconn.SetEdgeLengths();
1003 }
1005 void snake::UpdateCoord(const vector<int> &snaxInds)
1006 {
1007  int fromVertSub, toVertSub;
1008  int ii, jj;
1009  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds)
1010  {
1011  ii = this->snaxs.find(iSnax);
1012  fromVertSub = snakemesh()->verts.find(snaxs(ii)->fromvert);
1013  toVertSub = snakemesh()->verts.find(snaxs(ii)->tovert);
1015  for (jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj)
1016  {
1017  snakeconn.verts.elems[ii].coord[jj] =
1018  (snakemesh()->verts(toVertSub)->coord[jj] - snakemesh()->verts(fromVertSub)->coord[jj]) * snaxs(ii)->d +
1019  snakemesh()->verts(fromVertSub)->coord[jj];
1020  }
1021  for (auto iEdge : snakeconn.verts(ii)->edgeind)
1022  {
1023  this->snakeconn.InvalidateEdgeLength(iEdge);
1024  }
1025  }
1027  this->snakeconn.SetEdgeLengths();
1028 }
1030 // snaxarray extension
1032 void snaxarray::OrderOnEdge()
1033 {
1034  vector<int> edgeInds, snaxSubs, orderSubs;
1035  vector<double> orderSnax, unorderSnax;
1036  unordered_multimap<double, int> hashOrder;
1037  int isBwd;
1038  int ii, jj, nEdge;
1040  edgeInds = ConcatenateScalarField(*this, &snax::edgeind, 0, elems.size());
1041  sort(edgeInds);
1042  unique(edgeInds);
1043  for (ii = 0; ii < int(edgeInds.size()); ++ii)
1044  {
1045  nEdge = hashParent.count(edgeInds[ii]);
1047  if (nEdge > 1)
1048  {
1049  snaxSubs = ReturnDataEqualRange(edgeInds[ii], hashParent);
1050  orderSnax.resize(snaxSubs.size());
1051  for (jj = 0; jj < int(snaxSubs.size()); ++jj)
1052  {
1053  isBwd = elems[snaxSubs[jj]].fromvert > elems[snaxSubs[jj]].tovert;
1054  orderSnax[jj] = isBwd ? (1.0 - elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d) : elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d;
1055  }
1056  unorderSnax = orderSnax;
1057  // This will break with snakes in same place
1058  sort(orderSnax);
1060  orderSubs = FindSubList(orderSnax, unorderSnax, hashOrder);
1061  for (jj = 0; jj < int(snaxSubs.size()); ++jj)
1062  {
1063  elems[snaxSubs[orderSubs[jj]]].orderedge = jj + 1;
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1068  isOrderedOnEdge = 1;
1069 }
1071 void snaxarray::ReorderOnEdge()
1072 {
1073  vector<int> edgeInds, snaxSubs;
1074  vector<double> orderSnax;
1075  int isBwd;
1076  int ii, jj, nEdge, maxOrd = 0;
1077  bool needIncrement;
1079  edgeInds = ConcatenateScalarField(*this, &snax::edgeind, 0, elems.size());
1080  sort(edgeInds);
1081  unique(edgeInds);
1082  for (ii = 0; ii < int(edgeInds.size()); ++ii)
1083  {
1084  nEdge = hashParent.count(edgeInds[ii]);
1086  if (nEdge > 1)
1087  {
1088  snaxSubs = ReturnDataEqualRange(edgeInds[ii], hashParent);
1089  orderSnax.resize(snaxSubs.size());
1090  needIncrement = false;
1091  maxOrd = 0;
1092  for (jj = 0; jj < int(snaxSubs.size()); ++jj)
1093  {
1094  maxOrd = (maxOrd <= elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge) ? elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge : maxOrd;
1095  }
1096  for (jj = 0; jj < int(snaxSubs.size()); ++jj)
1097  {
1098  if (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge == -1)
1099  {
1100  isBwd = elems[snaxSubs[jj]].fromvert > elems[snaxSubs[jj]].tovert;
1102  elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge = (isBwd && (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d == 0.0))
1103  ? maxOrd + 1
1104  : ((!isBwd && (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d == 0.0))
1105  ? 0
1106  : ((isBwd && (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d == 1.0))
1107  ? 0
1108  : ((!isBwd && (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].d == 1.0))
1109  ? maxOrd + 1
1110  : elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge)));
1111  if (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge == -1)
1112  {
1113  cerr << "Error Order not correctly assigned" << endl;
1114  }
1115  if (elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge == 0)
1116  {
1117  needIncrement = true;
1118  }
1119  }
1120  }
1121  if (needIncrement)
1122  {
1123  for (jj = 0; jj < int(snaxSubs.size()); ++jj)
1124  {
1125  elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge++;
1126  }
1127  }
1128  }
1129  else
1130  {
1131  snaxSubs = ReturnDataEqualRange(edgeInds[ii], hashParent);
1132  elems[snaxSubs[0]].orderedge = 1;
1133  }
1134  }
1136  isOrderedOnEdge = 1;
1137 }
1139 void snaxarray::CalculateTimeStepOnEdge(vector<double> &dt, vector<bool> &isSnaxDone, int edgeInd)
1140 {
1141  int nSnax, ii, jj;
1142  vector<int> snaxSubs;
1143  double impactTime;
1145  snaxSubs = ReturnDataEqualRange(edgeInd, hashParent);
1146  nSnax = snaxSubs.size();
1147  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
1148  {
1149  isSnaxDone[snaxSubs[ii]] = true;
1150  for (jj = ii + 1; jj < nSnax; ++jj)
1151  {
1152  impactTime = SnaxImpactDt(elems[snaxSubs[ii]], elems[snaxSubs[jj]]);
1153  if (impactTime >= 0.0)
1154  {
1155  dt[snaxSubs[ii]] = (dt[snaxSubs[ii]] > impactTime) ? impactTime : dt[snaxSubs[ii]];
1156  dt[snaxSubs[jj]] = (dt[snaxSubs[jj]] > impactTime) ? impactTime : dt[snaxSubs[jj]];
1157  }
1158  }
1159  }
1160 }
1162 double ValidateEquilibrateD(double newD, double oldD, double stepLength)
1163 {
1164  double maxLim = pow(stepLength, 1.5);
1165  double minLim = pow(stepLength, 0.5);
1166  if (oldD < 0.5)
1167  {
1168  if (!isfinite(newD))
1169  {
1170  newD = oldD;
1171  }
1172  else if (newD < minLim)
1173  {
1174  newD = minLim;
1175  }
1176  else if (newD > maxLim)
1177  {
1178  newD = maxLim;
1179  }
1180  }
1181  else
1182  {
1183  if (!isfinite(newD))
1184  {
1185  newD = oldD;
1186  }
1187  else if (newD < (1.0 - maxLim))
1188  {
1189  newD = (1.0 - maxLim);
1190  }
1191  else if (newD > (1.0 - minLim))
1192  {
1193  newD = (1.0 - minLim);
1194  }
1195  }
1197  return newD;
1198 }
1200 std::pair<double, double> EquilibrateEdge(snake &snakein, int snaxA, int snaxB, int vertA, int vertB)
1201 {
1202  // calculate centre of edge.
1203  coordvec c, del1, vec;
1204  double dg0;
1205  c = snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(snaxA)->coord;
1206  c.add(snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(snaxB)->coord);
1207  c.div(2.0);
1209  del1 = snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(vertA)->coord;
1210  c.substract(snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(vertB)->coord);
1211  del1.substract(snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(vertB)->coord);
1212  vec = del1.cross(c.usedata());
1214  // c is the plane normal at this point;
1215  double d =>coord);
1217  // Vertex A
1218  del1 = snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxA)->tovert)->coord;
1219  del1.substract(snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxA)->fromvert)->coord);
1220  dg0 =>verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxA)->fromvert)->coord);
1221  double dga =;
1222  double da = (d - dg0) / dga;
1224  // Vertex B
1225  dg0 =>verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxB)->fromvert)->coord);
1226  del1 = snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxB)->tovert)->coord;
1227  del1.substract(snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxB)->fromvert)->coord);
1228  double dgb =;
1229  double db = (d - dg0) / dgb;
1231  return {da, db};
1232 }
1233 // template <class T=int, int n=2>
1234 void DisplayVectorArray(const std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> &in)
1235 {
1236  int count = in.size();
1237  std::cout << count << ",";
1238  if (!count)
1239  {
1240  return;
1241  }
1242  int count2 = in[0].size();
1243  std::cout << count2 << " : ";
1244  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1245  {
1246  for (int j = 0; j < count2; ++j)
1247  {
1248  std::cout << in[i][j] << " ";
1249  }
1250  std::cout << " : ";
1251  }
1252  std::cout << " | ";
1253 }
1255 int SmoothStep_bordersetting(int spawnVert, snake &snakein, double spawnDist)
1256 {
1257  // identify snaxels
1259  HashedVector<int, int> snaxInds;
1260  double spawnDistTol = spawnDist * 1.1;
1261  snaxInds.reserve(20);
1262  for (auto parentEdge : snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(spawnVert)->edgeind)
1263  {
1264  std::vector<int> snaxIndsTemp;
1265  snaxIndsTemp.reserve(20);
1266  snakein.snaxs.findsiblings(parentEdge, snaxIndsTemp);
1268  for (auto snaxCandidate : snaxIndsTemp)
1269  {
1270  auto currSnax = snakein.snaxs(snaxCandidate);
1271  if (currSnax->CloseToVertex() == spawnVert &&
1272  snaxInds.find(currSnax->index) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1273  (currSnax->d < spawnDistTol || (1 - spawnDistTol) < currSnax->d))
1274  {
1275  snaxInds.push_back(currSnax->index);
1276  }
1277  }
1278  }
1279  if (snaxInds.size() < 2)
1280  {
1281  return 0;
1282  }
1283  HashedVector<int, int> borderSurfs;
1284  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1285  {
1286  for (auto iSurf : snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iSnax)->elmind(snakein.snakeconn, 2))
1287  {
1288  bool isSpawned = false;
1289  for (auto iVert : snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(iSurf)->vertind(snakein.snakeconn))
1290  {
1291  if (iVert == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1292  {
1293  isSpawned = true;
1294  break;
1295  }
1296  }
1297  if (!isSpawned && borderSurfs.find(iSurf) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1298  {
1299  borderSurfs.push_back(iSurf);
1300  }
1301  }
1302  }
1304  // Consistancy of this list can be checked making sure all the snaxels come
1305  // from the same vertex or go to the same vertex.
1306  HashedVector<int, int> externalPts;
1307  std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> externalLinks;
1308  externalPts.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1309  externalLinks.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1310  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1311  {
1312  for (auto iEdge : snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iSnax)->edgeind)
1313  {
1314  for (auto iVert : snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind)
1315  {
1316  if (snaxInds.find(iVert) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1317  {
1318  externalPts.push_back(iSnax);
1319  externalLinks.push_back({iEdge, iVert});
1320  }
1321  }
1322  }
1323  }
1324  // Compute the two distances
1325  std::vector<int> edgeProcess;
1326  edgeProcess.reserve(borderSurfs.size());
1327  for (auto border : borderSurfs.vec)
1328  {
1329  bool success = false;
1330  for (auto iEdge : snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(border)->edgeind)
1331  {
1332  auto &vertTemp = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind;
1333  if (snaxInds.find(vertTemp[0]) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1334  snaxInds.find(vertTemp[1]) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound && success)
1335  {
1336  success = false;
1337  edgeProcess.pop_back();
1338  break;
1339  }
1340  else if (snaxInds.find(vertTemp[0]) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1341  snaxInds.find(vertTemp[1]) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1342  {
1343  success = true;
1344  edgeProcess.push_back(iEdge);
1345  }
1346  }
1347  if (!success)
1348  {
1349  edgeProcess.push_back(rsvs3d::constants::__notfound);
1350  // RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("A border edge was not found when looking for it.");
1351  }
1352  }
1354  std::vector<double> newD;
1355  std::vector<int> countAccess;
1356  newD.assign(snaxInds.size(), 0.0);
1357  countAccess.assign(snaxInds.size(), 0);
1358  int count1 = edgeProcess.size();
1359  for (int i = 0; i < count1; ++i)
1360  {
1361  int actSurf = borderSurfs[i];
1362  int iEdge = edgeProcess[i];
1363  if (iEdge == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1364  {
1365  continue;
1366  }
1367  // pass the edge index, the two snaxels, the two vertices
1368  int snaxA = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[0];
1369  int snaxB = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[1];
1371  int posA = rsvs3d::constants::__notfound;
1372  int posB = rsvs3d::constants::__notfound;
1373  bool success = false;
1375  for (auto iA : externalPts.findall(snaxA))
1376  {
1377  // Find the one where they all share the same surface
1378  posA = iA;
1379  auto testEdge = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(externalLinks[posA][0]);
1380  if (actSurf == testEdge->surfind[0] || actSurf == testEdge->surfind[1])
1381  {
1382  success = true;
1383  break;
1384  }
1385  }
1386  if (!success)
1387  {
1388  std::cerr << snaxA << " " << posA << " | ";
1389  DisplayVector(externalPts.vec);
1390  DisplayVector(borderSurfs.vec);
1391  DisplayVector(edgeProcess);
1392  DisplayVectorArray(externalLinks);
1393  std::cerr << std::endl;
1394  snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->disp();
1395  snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(actSurf)->disp();
1396  snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(snaxA)->disp();
1397  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Pos A could not be found");
1398  }
1399  success = false;
1400  for (auto iA : externalPts.findall(snaxB))
1401  {
1402  // Find the one where they all share the same surface
1403  posB = iA;
1404  if (borderSurfs.find(actSurf) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1405  {
1406  auto testEdge = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(externalLinks[posA][0]);
1407  if (actSurf == testEdge->surfind[0] || actSurf == testEdge->surfind[1])
1408  {
1409  success = true;
1410  break;
1411  }
1412  }
1413  }
1414  if (!success)
1415  {
1416  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Pos B could not be found");
1417  }
1419  int vertA = externalLinks[posA][1];
1420  int vertB = externalLinks[posB][1];
1421  auto tempD = EquilibrateEdge(snakein, snaxA, snaxB, vertA, vertB);
1422  posA = snaxInds.find(snaxA);
1423  posB = snaxInds.find(snaxB);
1424  ValidateEquilibrateD(tempD.first, snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxA)->d, spawnDist);
1425  // newD[posA] += tempD.first;
1426  newD[posA] += ValidateEquilibrateD(tempD.first, snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxA)->d, spawnDist);
1427  countAccess[posA]++;
1428  // newD[posB] += tempD.second;
1429  newD[posB] += ValidateEquilibrateD(tempD.second, snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxB)->d, spawnDist);
1430  countAccess[posB]++;
1431  }
1432  // How to set all the values not set by the border algorithm?
1434  // Set the values
1435  int count = snaxInds.size();
1436  int noissue = 0;
1437  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1438  {
1439  if (countAccess[i] > 0)
1440  {
1441  if ((newD[i] < 0.0 || countAccess[i] != 2 || newD[i] / countAccess[i] > 1.0) && false)
1442  {
1443  DisplayVector(newD);
1444  DisplayVector(countAccess);
1445  std::cout << endl;
1446  DisplayVector(externalPts.vec);
1447  DisplayVector(snaxInds.vec);
1448  DisplayVector(borderSurfs.vec);
1449  DisplayVector(edgeProcess);
1451  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("Negative d was calculated");
1452  }
1453  else
1454  {
1455  noissue++;
1456  snakein.snaxs[snakein.snaxs.find(snaxInds[i], true)].d = newD[i] / double(countAccess[i]);
1457  }
1458  }
1459  }
1460  return (noissue);
1461 }
1463 namespace rsvs3d
1464 {
1465 namespace smoothsnaking
1466 {
1477 void FindSnaxInds(HashedVector<int, int> &snaxInds, int spawnVert, const snake &snakein, double spawnDist)
1478 {
1479  double spawnDistTol = spawnDist * 1.1;
1480  snaxInds.reserve(20);
1481  for (auto parentEdge : snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(spawnVert)->edgeind)
1482  {
1483  std::vector<int> snaxIndsTemp;
1484  snaxIndsTemp.reserve(20);
1485  snakein.snaxs.findsiblings(parentEdge, snaxIndsTemp);
1487  for (auto snaxCandidate : snaxIndsTemp)
1488  {
1489  auto currSnax = snakein.snaxs(snaxCandidate);
1490  if (currSnax->CloseToVertex() == spawnVert &&
1491  snaxInds.find(currSnax->index) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1492  (currSnax->d < spawnDistTol || (1.0 - spawnDistTol) < currSnax->d))
1493  {
1494  snaxInds.push_back(currSnax->index);
1495  }
1496  }
1497  }
1498 }
1500 int LaplacianSmoothingDirection(const snake &snakein, const vert *vertsmooth, coordvec &smoothDir)
1501 {
1502  return VertexLaplacianVector(snakein.snakeconn, vertsmooth, smoothDir, true);
1503 }
1504 } // namespace smoothsnaking
1505 } // namespace rsvs3d
1524 int SmoothStep_sphere(int spawnVert, snake &snakein, double spawnDist)
1525 {
1526  // identify snaxels
1528  HashedVector<int, int> snaxInds;
1529  rsvs3d::smoothsnaking::FindSnaxInds(snaxInds, spawnVert, snakein, spawnDist);
1530  if (snaxInds.size() < 2)
1531  {
1532  return 0;
1533  }
1535  // Consistancy of this list can be checked making sure all the snaxels come
1536  // from the same vertex or go to the same vertex.
1538  std::vector<int> externalEdges, externalPts, externalSurfsPairs, externalEdgesOrder, internalPts,
1539  internalPtsOrdered;
1540  externalPts.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1541  externalEdges.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1542  internalPts.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1543  externalSurfsPairs.reserve(snaxInds.size() * 2);
1544  int k = 0;
1545  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1546  {
1547  for (auto iEdge : snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iSnax)->edgeind)
1548  {
1549  auto currEdge = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge);
1550  for (auto iVert : currEdge->vertind)
1551  {
1552  if (snaxInds.find(iVert) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1553  {
1554  internalPts.push_back(iSnax);
1555  externalEdges.push_back(iEdge);
1556  externalPts.push_back(iVert);
1557  externalSurfsPairs.push_back(currEdge->surfind[0]);
1558  externalSurfsPairs.push_back(currEdge->surfind[1]);
1559  externalEdgesOrder.push_back(k++);
1560  }
1561  }
1562  }
1563  }
1564  int retValue = OrderList(externalEdgesOrder, externalSurfsPairs, false, true);
1565  int nVerts = externalEdgesOrder.size();
1566  if (retValue != rsvs3d::constants::ordering::ordered)
1567  {
1568  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("Failed to order the list of edges.");
1569  return 0;
1570  }
1571  if (nVerts < 2)
1572  {
1573  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Only one point was left, cannot define direction.");
1574  }
1575  std::vector<const std::vector<double> *> vecPts;
1576  vecPts.reserve(nVerts);
1577  internalPtsOrdered.reserve(nVerts);
1578  for (int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
1579  {
1580  vecPts.push_back(&(snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(externalPts[externalEdgesOrder[i]])->coord));
1581  }
1582  auto &centre = snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(spawnVert)->coord;
1583  std::tuple<coordvec, double> centreData;
1584  try
1585  {
1586  centreData = VertexNormal(centre, vecPts);
1587  }
1588  catch (exception const &ex)
1589  {
1590  // This case can happen and just needs to be handled it is the result of
1591  // all the points being the same. An alternative could be to compute the
1592  // normal using the directrion of the snaxels.
1593  return 0;
1594  }
1595  coordvec &vertNormal = get<0>(centreData);
1596  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(vertNormal.GetNorm(), 0.0))
1597  {
1598  // RSVS3D_ERROR("Vertex normal could not be computed: returned 0 norm.");
1599  return 0;
1600  }
1601  // Figure out if the normal is inward facing or outward facing.
1602  // Order the internal edges
1603  internalPtsOrdered.reserve(nVerts);
1604  int v1 = rsvs3d::constants::__notfound;
1605  int v2 = rsvs3d::constants::__notfound;
1606  for (int i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
1607  {
1608  internalPtsOrdered.push_back(internalPts[externalEdgesOrder[i]]);
1609  }
1610  v1 = internalPts[externalEdgesOrder[0]];
1611  int edgeAfterV2 = rsvs3d::constants::__notfound;
1612  for (int i = 1; i < nVerts; ++i)
1613  {
1614  if (v1 != internalPtsOrdered[i])
1615  {
1616  v2 = internalPtsOrdered[i];
1617  edgeAfterV2 = externalEdges[externalEdgesOrder[i]];
1618  break;
1619  }
1620  }
1621  if (v2 == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1622  {
1623  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Only one point was found, cannot define direction.");
1624  }
1625  // Extract a surface that is between two points (on an edge)
1626  int edgeInd = snakein.snakeconn.EdgeFromVerts(v1, v2);
1627  if (edgeInd == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1628  {
1629  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("The two points do not share an edge.");
1630  }
1631  // Compare the list orders
1632  unique(internalPtsOrdered);
1633  if (internalPtsOrdered.back() == internalPtsOrdered[0])
1634  {
1635  internalPtsOrdered.pop_back();
1636  }
1637  if (internalPtsOrdered.size() < 2)
1638  {
1639  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Only one point was left, cannot define direction.");
1640  }
1642  int surfInd = snakein.snakeconn.SurfFromEdges(edgeInd, edgeAfterV2);
1644  std::cerr << std::endl;
1645  std::cerr << "snaxInds ";
1646  DisplayVector(snaxInds.vec);
1647  std::cerr << std::endl;
1648  std::cerr << "internalPtsOrdered ";
1649  DisplayVector(internalPtsOrdered);
1650  std::cerr << std::endl;
1651  std::cerr << "centre ";
1652  DisplayVector(centre);
1653  std::cerr << std::endl;
1654  std::cerr << "outer surfPts ";
1655  DisplayVector(internalPts);
1656  std::cerr << std::endl;
1657  std::cerr << "vertNormal ";
1658  DisplayVector(vertNormal.usedata());
1659  std::cerr << std::endl;
1660  snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(surfInd)->disp();
1661  snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(edgeInd)->disp();
1662 #endif
1664  snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(surfInd)->OrderedVerts(&snakein.snakeconn, internalPts);
1665  int flipMultiplier =
1666  meshhelp::NormalShouldFlip(internalPts, v1, v2, snakein.snakeconn.surfs.isearch(surfInd)->voluind, false);
1667  if (flipMultiplier == -1)
1668  {
1669  vertNormal.flipsign();
1670  }
1671  vertNormal.Normalize(); // Should be the outfacing vertex normal
1674  std::cerr << " isSameOrder " << isSameOrder << " flipMultiplier " << flipMultiplier << std::endl;
1676 #endif
1694  int radiusStep = 1;
1696  if (!snakein.isMeshVertIn[snakein.snakemesh()->verts.find(spawnVert)])
1697  {
1698  // radiusStep = -1;
1699  vertNormal.flipsign();
1700  }
1701  double maxOffset = 0.0;
1702  for (auto iEdge : externalEdges)
1703  {
1704  double maxOffsetTemp = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->Length(snakein.snakeconn);
1705  maxOffset = max(maxOffsetTemp, maxOffset);
1706  }
1707  double minEdgeLength = 0.0;
1708  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1709  {
1710  int iEdge = snakein.snaxs.isearch(iSnax)->edgeind;
1711  double minTemp = snakein.snakemesh()->edges.isearch(iEdge)->Length(*snakein.snakemesh());
1712  minEdgeLength = max(minTemp, minEdgeLength);
1713  }
1715  double offsetMultiplier = 1.0 - (2.0 * get<1>(centreData) / (2.0 * M_PI));
1716  if (offsetMultiplier < 0.0)
1717  {
1718  return 0;
1719  }
1720  offsetMultiplier = min(max(offsetMultiplier, 0.0), 1.0);
1721  double offset = offsetMultiplier * maxOffset;
1722  vertNormal.mult(offset);
1723  // vertNormal.add(centre); // This is now the sphere centre
1730  // std::array<double, 2> IntersectLineSphere(const coordvec &lineVec,
1731  // vertNormal, sphereRadius)
1732  double sphereRadius = offset + radiusStep * minEdgeLength * spawnDist;
1733  std::vector<double> newD;
1734  coordvec lineVec;
1735  newD.reserve(snaxInds.vec.size());
1736  double maxNew = 0.0;
1737  double infVal = -INFINITY;
1738  bool allNegErr = false;
1739  auto errValFunc = [&](coordvec &lineVec) -> double { return spawnDist * minEdgeLength / lineVec.GetNorm(); };
1740  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1741  {
1742  lineVec = centre;
1743  int farVert = snakein.snaxs.isearch(iSnax)->CloseToVertex(true);
1744  lineVec.substractfrom(snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(farVert)->coord);
1745  auto ds = IntersectLineSphere(lineVec, vertNormal, sphereRadius);
1746  if (radiusStep == -1 && rsvs3d::sign(ds[0]) == 1 && rsvs3d::sign(ds[1]) == 1)
1747  {
1748  newD.push_back(min(ds[0], ds[1]));
1749  }
1750  else if (!isfinite(ds[0]) && ds[0] < -1e+300)
1751  {
1752  newD.push_back(infVal);
1753  }
1754  else if ((rsvs3d::sign(ds[0]) == rsvs3d::sign(ds[1])) || !isfinite(ds[0]))
1755  {
1756  std::cerr << "ds : " << ds[0] << " " << ds[1] << std::endl;
1757  if (!isfinite(ds[0]))
1758  {
1759  std::cerr << std::endl;
1760  int count = vecPts.size();
1761  DisplayVector(centre);
1762  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1763  {
1764  std::cerr << std::endl;
1765  DisplayVector(*vecPts[i]);
1766  }
1767  RSVS3D_ERROR("The intersection returned Nans.");
1768  }
1769  else if (rsvs3d::sign(ds[0]) == 1)
1770  {
1771  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("The intersection returned only positive numbers.");
1772  }
1773  else if (rsvs3d::sign(ds[0]) == -1)
1774  {
1775  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("The intersection returned only negative numbers.");
1776  allNegErr = true;
1777  }
1778  newD.push_back(errValFunc(lineVec));
1779  }
1780  else
1781  {
1782  int dUse = (rsvs3d::sign(ds[1]) + 1) / 2;
1783  if (fabs(ds[dUse]) <= fabs(ds[1 - dUse]))
1784  {
1785  newD.push_back(ds[dUse]);
1786  }
1787  else
1788  {
1789  // if this case is triggered it is a sign that the layout
1790  // of snaxels does not match the surface and that the resulting
1791  // surface is not going to be flat.
1792  newD.push_back(errValFunc(lineVec));
1793  }
1794  }
1796  std::cerr << "ds : " << ds[0] << " " << ds[1] << std::endl;
1797 #endif
1799  maxNew = max(maxNew, newD.back());
1800  }
1802  std::cerr << radiusStep << std::endl << "newD : ";
1803  DisplayVector(newD);
1804  std::cerr << std::endl;
1805 #endif
1806  if (allNegErr)
1807  {
1808  return 0;
1809  }
1811  double scaleInfinite = 10.0;
1812  double scaleVals = spawnDist / (maxNew);
1813  double minD = spawnDist / (scaleInfinite);
1814  double maxD = scaleInfinite * spawnDist;
1815  int noissue = 0;
1816  int count = snaxInds.vec.size();
1818  auto edgeScale = [&](coordvec &lineVec) -> double { return minEdgeLength / lineVec.GetNorm(); };
1819  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1820  {
1821  lineVec = centre;
1822  int farVert = snakein.snaxs.isearch(snaxInds[i])->CloseToVertex(true);
1823  lineVec.substractfrom(snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(farVert)->coord);
1824  double edgeScaleCurr = edgeScale(lineVec);
1826  newD[i] = scaleVals * newD[i];
1827  newD[i] = (isfinite(newD[i]) ? newD[i] : maxD * edgeScaleCurr);
1828  // newD[i] = (isfinite(newD[i]) && newD[i]<=maxD ? newD[i] :
1829  // maxD*edgeScaleCurr);
1830  newD[i] = max(minD * edgeScaleCurr, newD[i]);
1831  }
1832  // DisplayVector(newD);
1833  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1834  {
1835  int j = snakein.snaxs.find(snaxInds[i], true);
1836  noissue++;
1837  snakein.snaxs[j].d = snakein.snaxs(j)->fromvert == spawnVert ? newD[i] : 1.0 - newD[i];
1838  snakein.snaxs[j].ValidateDistance(snakein);
1839  }
1841  return (noissue);
1842 }
1844 int SmoothStep_planematching(int spawnVert, snake &snakein, double spawnDist)
1845 {
1846  // identify snaxels
1848  HashedVector<int, int> snaxInds;
1849  double spawnDistTol = spawnDist * 1.1;
1850  snaxInds.reserve(20);
1851  for (auto parentEdge : snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(spawnVert)->edgeind)
1852  {
1853  std::vector<int> snaxIndsTemp;
1854  snaxIndsTemp.reserve(20);
1855  snakein.snaxs.findsiblings(parentEdge, snaxIndsTemp);
1857  for (auto snaxCandidate : snaxIndsTemp)
1858  {
1859  auto currSnax = snakein.snaxs(snaxCandidate);
1860  if (currSnax->CloseToVertex() == spawnVert &&
1861  snaxInds.find(currSnax->index) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1862  (currSnax->d < spawnDistTol || (1 - spawnDistTol) < currSnax->d))
1863  {
1864  snaxInds.push_back(currSnax->index);
1865  }
1866  }
1867  }
1868  if (snaxInds.size() < 2)
1869  {
1870  return 0;
1871  }
1872  // Consistancy of this list can be checked making sure all the snaxels come
1873  // from the same vertex or go to the same vertex.
1874  HashedVector<int, int> externalPts;
1875  std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> externalLinks;
1876  externalPts.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1877  externalLinks.reserve(snaxInds.size());
1878  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1879  {
1880  for (auto iEdge : snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iSnax)->edgeind)
1881  {
1882  for (auto iVert : snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind)
1883  {
1884  if (snaxInds.find(iVert) == rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1885  {
1886  externalPts.push_back(iSnax);
1887  externalLinks.push_back({iEdge, iVert});
1888  }
1889  }
1890  }
1891  }
1892  // Compute the two distances
1893  std::vector<int> edgeProcess;
1894  edgeProcess.reserve(externalPts.size());
1895  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
1896  {
1897  for (auto iEdge : snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iSnax)->edgeind)
1898  {
1899  int iVert1 = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[0];
1900  int iVert2 = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[1];
1901  if (externalPts.find(iVert1) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound &&
1902  externalPts.find(iVert2) != rsvs3d::constants::__notfound)
1903  {
1904  edgeProcess.push_back(iEdge);
1905  }
1906  }
1907  }
1909  std::vector<double> newD;
1910  newD.assign(externalPts.size(), 0.0);
1912  for (auto iEdge : edgeProcess)
1913  {
1914  // pass the edge index, the two snaxels, the two vertices
1915  int snaxA = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[0];
1916  int snaxB = snakein.snakeconn.edges.isearch(iEdge)->vertind[1];
1917  int vertA = externalLinks[externalPts.find(snaxA)][1];
1918  int vertB = externalLinks[externalPts.find(snaxB)][1];
1919  auto tempD = EquilibrateEdge(snakein, snaxA, snaxB, vertA, vertB);
1920  newD[externalPts.find(snaxA)] += tempD.first;
1921  newD[externalPts.find(snaxB)] += tempD.second;
1922  }
1923  // How to set all the values not set by the border algorithm?
1925  // Set the values
1926  int noissue = 0;
1927  int count = externalPts.size();
1928  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
1929  {
1930  if (newD[i] < __DBL_EPSILON__)
1931  {
1932  DisplayVector(newD);
1933  DisplayVector(externalPts.vec);
1934  DisplayVector(edgeProcess);
1936  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("Negative d was calculated");
1937  }
1938  snakein.snaxs[snakein.snaxs.find(externalPts[i], true)].d = newD[i] / 2.0;
1939  noissue++;
1940  }
1941  return noissue;
1942 }
1944 int SmoothStep_itersmooth(int spawnVert, snake &snakein, double spawnDist)
1945 {
1946  // Steps:
1947  // + Define the distance bounds that might be performed
1948  // + Gather the snaxels that will be smoothed
1949  // + Implement cotangent laplacian smoothing
1950  int nIter = 5;
1952  double stepDamping = 2.0 / double(nIter + 1);
1954  HashedVector<int, int> snaxInds;
1955  snaxInds.clear();
1956  rsvs3d::smoothsnaking::FindSnaxInds(snaxInds, spawnVert, snakein, spawnDist);
1957  if (snaxInds.size() < 2)
1958  {
1959  return 0;
1960  }
1962  // Order the edges around each snaxel that needs to be analysed.
1963  bool succesOrdering = true;
1964  for (auto iVert : snaxInds.vec)
1965  {
1966  int vertOrdered = snakein.snakeconn.OrderVertexEdges(iVert);
1967  succesOrdering = (vertOrdered == rsvs3d::constants::ordering::ordered);
1968  }
1969  if (!succesOrdering)
1970  { // if ordering failed stop the smoothing process.
1971  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW("Failed to order vertex");
1972  return 0;
1973  }
1974  //
1975  coordvec smoothDir, snaxDir;
1976  std::vector<double> dSteps;
1977  int nSnax = snaxInds.vec.size();
1978  dSteps.reserve(nSnax);
1980  for (int stepNum = 0; stepNum < nIter; ++stepNum)
1981  {
1982  dSteps.clear();
1983  double maxD = -INFINITY;
1984  double minD = INFINITY;
1985  double sumD = 0.0;
1986  double minEdgeLength = INFINITY;
1987  double maxEdgeLength = -INFINITY;
1988  double sumEdgeL = 0.0;
1989  for (auto iVert : snaxInds.vec)
1990  {
1991  rsvs3d::smoothsnaking::LaplacianSmoothingDirection(snakein, snakein.snakeconn.verts.isearch(iVert),
1992  smoothDir);
1993  snakein.snakemesh()->VerticesVector(spawnVert, snakein.snaxs.isearch(iVert)->CloseToVertex(true), snaxDir);
1994  minEdgeLength = min(minEdgeLength, snaxDir.GetNorm());
1995  maxEdgeLength = max(maxEdgeLength, snaxDir.GetNorm());
1996  sumEdgeL += snaxDir.GetNorm();
1997  double edgeL = snaxDir.Normalize();
1998  double dStep = / edgeL;
1999  dStep = isfinite(dStep) ? dStep : 0.0;
2000  dSteps.push_back(dStep);
2002  sumD += dStep;
2003  maxD = max(dStep, maxD);
2004  minD = min(dStep, minD);
2005  }
2006  double maxAbs = max(max(fabs(maxD), fabs(minD)), spawnDist);
2007  // double edgeRatio = minEdgeLength/maxEdgeLength;
2008  double stepMultiplier = (spawnDist * stepDamping) / maxAbs;
2010  for (int i = 0; i < nSnax; ++i)
2011  {
2012  int j = snakein.snaxs.find(snaxInds[i], true);
2013  double l = snakein.edgeStepLimit[snakein.snakemesh()->edges.find(snakein.snaxs(j)->edgeind)];
2014  double tempStep = (snakein.snaxs(j)->fromvert == spawnVert ? dSteps[i] : -dSteps[i]) * stepMultiplier * l;
2015  double prevD = snakein.snaxs[j].d;
2016  snakein.snaxs[j].d += tempStep;
2017  stringstream errstr;
2018  errstr << "Attempted to take a step of length " << tempStep << " snaxel->d: " << prevD;
2019  errstr << " Step " << stepNum << " of " << nIter;
2020  errstr << " maxD " << maxD << " minD " << minD << " l " << l << "dSteps : ";
2021  PrintVector(dSteps, errstr);
2022  errstr << std::endl;
2023  try
2024  {
2025  snakein.snaxs[j].ValidateDistance(snakein);
2026  }
2027  catch (const exception &exc)
2028  {
2029  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW(errstr.str().c_str());
2030  snakein.snaxs[j].d =
2031  snakein.snaxs[j].d < 0.5 ? spawnDist / double(nIter) : 1.0 - spawnDist / double(nIter);
2032  }
2034  std::cout << errstr.str();
2035 #endif
2036  }
2037  snakein.snaxs.PrepareForUse();
2038  snakein.UpdateCoord(snaxInds.vec);
2039  // std::cout << meanD << "," << stepMultiplier << ","
2040  // << maxAbs << " | ";
2041  }
2042  double totD = 0.0;
2043  for (auto iSnax : snaxInds.vec)
2044  {
2045  totD += snakein.snaxs.isearch(iSnax)->d < 0.5 ? snakein.snaxs.isearch(iSnax)->d
2046  : 1.0 - snakein.snaxs.isearch(iSnax)->d;
2047  }
2048  std::cout << " totD " << totD / snaxInds.size();
2049  return snaxInds.size();
2050 }
2052 int SmoothStep(int spawnVert, snake &snakein, double spawnDist, std::string str)
2053 {
2054  static bool errHit = false;
2056  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(spawnDist, 0.0))
2057  {
2058  return 0;
2059  }
2060  if ("none") == 0 ||"") == 0)
2061  {
2062  return 0;
2063  }
2064  else if ("laplacian") == 0)
2065  {
2066  return SmoothStep_itersmooth(spawnVert, snakein, spawnDist);
2067  }
2068  else if ("planar") == 0)
2069  {
2070  return SmoothStep_planematching(spawnVert, snakein, spawnDist);
2071  }
2072  else if ("sphere") == 0)
2073  {
2074  return SmoothStep_sphere(spawnVert, snakein, spawnDist);
2075  }
2076  else
2077  {
2078  if (!errHit)
2079  {
2080  errHit = true;
2081  stringstream errstr;
2082  errstr << "unrecognised smooth snaking step type: '" << str << "' defaulting to 'none'.";
2083  RSVS3D_ERROR_NOTHROW(errstr.str().c_str());
2084  }
2085  }
2086  return 0;
2087 }
2089 void snake::TakeSpawnStep(int minIndex, double stepLength)
2090 {
2091  int nSnax = this->snaxs.size();
2092  std::vector<int> spawnVerts;
2093  spawnVerts.reserve(nSnax);
2094  for (int i = 0; i < nSnax; ++i)
2095  {
2096  if (this->snaxs(i)->index > minIndex)
2097  {
2098  this->snaxs.elems[i].TakeSpawnStep(*this, stepLength);
2099  }
2100  }
2101 }
2103 void snake::TakeSmoothSpawnStep(int minIndex, double stepLength, std::string smoothStep)
2104 {
2105  int nSnax = this->snaxs.size();
2106  std::vector<int> spawnVerts;
2107  spawnVerts.reserve(nSnax);
2108  for (int i = 0; i < nSnax; ++i)
2109  {
2110  if (this->snaxs(i)->index > minIndex)
2111  {
2112  spawnVerts.push_back(this->snaxs(i)->CloseToVertex());
2113  }
2114  }
2115  sort(spawnVerts);
2116  unique(spawnVerts);
2117  int numSuccess = 0;
2118  for (auto spawnVert : spawnVerts)
2119  {
2120  numSuccess += SmoothStep(spawnVert, *this, stepLength, smoothStep);
2121  this->snaxs.ForceArrayReady();
2122  }
2123 #ifdef RSVS_DEBUG
2124  std::cout << std::endl << "Number of successful smoothed steps : " << numSuccess << std::endl;
2125 #endif
2126 }
2128 void snax::TakeSpawnStep(snake &snakein, double stepLength)
2129 {
2130  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(stepLength, 0.0))
2131  {
2132  return;
2133  }
2134  if (stepLength < -__DBL_EPSILON__ || stepLength >= 0.5)
2135  {
2136  RSVS3D_ERROR_ARGUMENT("The spawn step must be 0.5>=x>=0");
2137  }
2138  int closeVert = this->fromvert;
2139  if (this->d > 0.5)
2140  { // if spawned in reverse
2141  closeVert = this->tovert;
2142  stepLength = -stepLength;
2143  }
2145  double minEdgeLength = INFINITY;
2146  for (auto edgeInd : snakein.snakemesh()->verts.isearch(closeVert)->edgeind)
2147  {
2148  double testLength = snakein.snakemesh()->edges.isearch(edgeInd)->Length(*snakein.snakemesh());
2149  minEdgeLength = testLength < minEdgeLength ? testLength : minEdgeLength;
2150  }
2151  stepLength =
2152  stepLength * minEdgeLength / snakein.snakemesh()->edges.isearch(this->edgeind)->Length(*snakein.snakemesh());
2153  int nEdge = snakein.snaxs.countparent(this->edgeind);
2154  this->d += stepLength;
2155  if (this->d < 0 || this->d > 1.0)
2156  {
2157  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC("Distance should be between 0 and 1");
2158  }
2159  if (nEdge == 1)
2160  {
2161  return;
2162  }
2163  else if (nEdge > 1)
2164  {
2165  int nChanges = 0;
2166  std::vector<int> snaxSubs;
2167  snakein.snaxs.findsiblings(this->edgeind, snaxSubs);
2168  for (auto snaxtest : snaxSubs)
2169  {
2170  auto tempSnax = snakein.snaxs(snaxtest);
2171  if (this->index != tempSnax->index)
2172  {
2173  if (!((tempSnax->d < 0.5) ^ (this->d < 0.5)))
2174  {
2175  if (fabs(tempSnax->d - 0.5) > fabs(this->d))
2176  {
2177  this->d = tempSnax->d;
2178  nChanges++;
2179  }
2180  }
2181  }
2182  }
2183  if (nChanges > 0)
2184  {
2185  std::cout << " " << nChanges << "," << this->d << ",";
2186  }
2187  }
2188  else
2189  {
2190  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE("Parent hashing returned a number <=0");
2191  }
2192 }
2194 void snax::ValidateDistance(snake &snakein)
2195 {
2196  int nEdge = snakein.snaxs.countparent(this->edgeind);
2197  if (this->d < 0 || this->d > 1.0)
2198  {
2199  stringstream errstr;
2200  errstr << "Distance should be between 0 and 1 was " << this->d;
2201  RSVS3D_ERROR_LOGIC(errstr.str().c_str());
2202  }
2203  if (nEdge == 1)
2204  {
2205  return;
2206  }
2207  else if (nEdge > 1)
2208  {
2209  static std::vector<int> snaxSubs;
2210  snaxSubs.clear();
2211  snakein.snaxs.findsiblings(this->edgeind, snaxSubs);
2212  for (auto snaxtest : snaxSubs)
2213  {
2214  auto tempSnax = snakein.snaxs(snaxtest);
2215  if (this->index != tempSnax->index)
2216  {
2217  // Indicates if snakes are moving in different directions along the edge
2218  // Impacts how to test equality between distances
2219  bool snaxDifferentDir = this->fromvert != tempSnax->fromvert;
2220  // Checks if the edge is being travelled on in reversed or direct
2221  // order.
2222  bool inOrder = tempSnax->fromvert < tempSnax->tovert;
2223  // Checks what the ordering is along that edge
2224  bool tempIsAfter = this->orderedge < tempSnax->orderedge;
2225  // Those three booleans provide all the necessary information to
2226  // know if the snaxels have crossed over and what operations to apply
2227  if (snaxDifferentDir)
2228  {
2229  this->d = 1.0 - this->d;
2230  }
2231  // (inOrder ^ tempIsAfter) -> tells us to test superiority or
2232  // inferiority
2233  // 1 1 0 -> this > temp (modify cases)
2234  // 1 0 1 -> this < temp
2235  // 0 1 1 -> this < temp
2236  // 0 0 0 -> this > temp
2237  if ((inOrder ^ tempIsAfter) && this->d < tempSnax->d)
2238  {
2239  this->d = tempSnax->d;
2240  }
2241  else if (!(inOrder ^ tempIsAfter) && this->d > tempSnax->d)
2242  {
2243  this->d = tempSnax->d;
2244  }
2246  if (snaxDifferentDir)
2247  {
2248  this->d = 1.0 - this->d;
2249  }
2250  }
2251  }
2252  }
2253  else
2254  {
2255  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE("Parent hashing returned a number <=0");
2256  }
2257 }
2259 void snax::Direction(const snake &snakein, coordvec &dir) const
2260 {
2261  snakein.snakemesh()->VerticesVector(this->fromvert, this->tovert, dir);
2262 }
2264 // Snake operations
2266 void snake::ForceCloseContainers()
2267 {
2268  this->snakeconn.ForceCloseContainers();
2269  if (!Check3D())
2270  {
2271  snaxsurfs.elems.clear();
2272  snaxsurfs.Init(snakeconn.surfs.size());
2273  snaxsurfs.PopulateIndices();
2274  snaxsurfs.HashArray();
2275  this->SetSnaxSurfs();
2276  }
2277 }
2279 void snake::CalculateTimeStep(vector<double> &dt, double dtDefault, double distDefault)
2280 {
2281  int nSnax, ii, nEdge;
2282  vector<bool> isSnaxDone;
2283  double newMindDt = dtDefault;
2284  nSnax = snaxs.size();
2285  isSnaxDone.assign(nSnax, false);
2287  if (!snaxs.checkready())
2288  {
2289  snaxs.PrepareForUse();
2290  }
2291  if (this->snaxDistanceLimit_conserveShape)
2292  {
2293  for (int i = 0; i < nSnax; ++i)
2294  {
2295  if (fabs(snaxs(i)->v > __DBL_EPSILON__))
2296  {
2297  newMindDt = distDefault / fabs(snaxs(i)->v);
2298  dtDefault = newMindDt < dtDefault ? newMindDt : dtDefault;
2299  }
2300  }
2301  }
2303  dt.assign(nSnax, dtDefault);
2304  dt.resize(nSnax);
2306  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
2307  {
2308  if (!isSnaxDone[ii])
2309  {
2310  nEdge = snaxs.countparent(snaxs(ii)->edgeind);
2311  if (nEdge == 1)
2312  {
2313  isSnaxDone[ii] = true;
2314  }
2315  else if (nEdge > 1)
2316  {
2317  snaxs.CalculateTimeStepOnEdge(dt, isSnaxDone, snaxs(ii)->edgeind);
2318  }
2319  else
2320  {
2321  cerr << "Error: hashParent was not up to date" << endl;
2322  cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2323  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE("Incorrect hash table provided");
2324  }
2325  }
2326  }
2327 }
2329 void snake::Flip()
2330 {
2331  int temp;
2332  for (int ii = 0; ii < snaxs.size(); ii++)
2333  {
2334  temp = snaxs[ii].fromvert;
2335  snaxs[ii].fromvert = snaxs(ii)->tovert;
2336  snaxs[ii].tovert = temp;
2338  snaxs[ii].d = 1.0 - snaxs[ii].d;
2339  snaxs[ii].v = -snaxs[ii].v;
2340  }
2341  isFlipped = !isFlipped;
2342  snaxs.ForceArrayReady();
2343 }
2345 double SnaxImpactDt(const snax &snax1, const snax &snax2)
2346 {
2347  int isSameDir;
2348  double dD, dV;
2350  isSameDir = snax1.fromvert == snax2.fromvert;
2352  dD = ((1.0 * !isSameDir) + (1.0 + (-2.0) * !isSameDir) * snax2.d) - snax1.d;
2353  dV = (1.0 + (-2.0) * !isSameDir) * snax2.v - snax1.v;
2355  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(dD, 0.0))
2356  {
2357  return (0.0);
2358  }
2359  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(dV, 0.0))
2360  {
2361  return (-1.0);
2362  }
2364  return (-dD / dV);
2365 }
2367 void snake::SnaxImpactDetection(vector<int> &isImpact)
2368 {
2369  // TODO make an approximate arrival
2370  int nSnax, ii, nEdge;
2371  vector<bool> isSnaxDone;
2373  nSnax = snaxs.size();
2374  isSnaxDone.assign(nSnax, false);
2375  isImpact.clear();
2376  isImpact.reserve(nSnax * 2);
2378  if (!snaxs.checkready())
2379  {
2380  snaxs.PrepareForUse();
2381  }
2383  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
2384  {
2385  if (!isSnaxDone[ii])
2386  {
2387  nEdge = snaxs.countparent(snaxs(ii)->edgeind);
2388  if (nEdge == 1)
2389  {
2390  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(snaxs(ii)->d, 0.0) && (snaxs(ii)->v <= 0.0))
2391  {
2392  isImpact.push_back(snaxs(ii)->index);
2393  isImpact.push_back(-1);
2394  }
2395  else if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(snaxs(ii)->d, 1.0) && (snaxs(ii)->v >= 0.0))
2396  {
2397  isImpact.push_back(snaxs(ii)->index);
2398  isImpact.push_back(-2);
2399  }
2400  isSnaxDone[ii] = true;
2401  }
2402  else if (nEdge > 1)
2403  {
2404  snaxs.DetectImpactOnEdge(isImpact, isSnaxDone, snaxs(ii)->edgeind);
2405  }
2406  else
2407  {
2408  cerr << "Error: hashParent was not up to date" << endl;
2409  cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2410  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE("Incorrect hash table provided");
2411  }
2412  }
2413  }
2414 }
2415 void snake::SnaxAlmostImpactDetection(vector<int> &isImpact, double dDlim)
2416 {
2417  int i;
2418  int nVerts, nSnax, vertInd;
2419  vector<int> vertSnaxCloseCnt, vertSnaxMinInd;
2420  vector<double> vertSnaxMinD;
2421  double d;
2422  bool flag;
2424  nVerts = snakemesh()->verts.size();
2425  nSnax = snaxs.size();
2427  // isImpact.clear();
2428  // isImpact.reserve(nSnax*2);
2430  vertSnaxCloseCnt.assign(nVerts, 0);
2431  vertSnaxMinInd.assign(nVerts, 0);
2432  vertSnaxMinD.assign(nVerts, 1.0);
2434  /*Find the closest snaxel to each vertex and the number of close
2435  snaxels*/
2436  for (i = 0; i < nSnax; ++i)
2437  {
2438  flag = false;
2439  if ((snaxs(i)->d < dDlim) && (snaxs(i)->v <= 0.0) && !rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(snaxs(i)->d, 0.0))
2440  {
2441  flag = true;
2442  vertInd = snaxs(i)->fromvert;
2443  d = snaxs(i)->d;
2444  }
2445  else if (((1.0 - snaxs(i)->d) < dDlim) && (snaxs(i)->v >= 0.0) &&
2446  !rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(snaxs(i)->d, 1.0))
2447  {
2448  flag = true;
2449  vertInd = snaxs(i)->tovert;
2450  d = 1 - snaxs(i)->d;
2451  }
2452  if (flag)
2453  {
2454  vertInd = snakemesh()->verts.find(vertInd);
2455  vertSnaxCloseCnt[vertInd]++;
2457  if (vertSnaxMinD[vertInd] >= d)
2458  {
2459  vertSnaxMinD[vertInd] = d;
2460  vertSnaxMinInd[vertInd] = i;
2461  }
2462  }
2463  }
2464  // TODO: Need to add a check for the order of the snaxel on the edge.
2465  // if it is not 1 or the largest this action will cause crossovers.
2466  for (i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i)
2467  {
2468  if (vertSnaxCloseCnt[i] >= 2)
2469  {
2470  isImpact.push_back(snaxs(vertSnaxMinInd[i])->index);
2471  if (snaxs(vertSnaxMinInd[i])->d < dDlim)
2472  {
2473  // Collapse on the from vertex
2474  snaxs[vertSnaxMinInd[i]].d = 0.0;
2475  isImpact.push_back(-1);
2476  }
2477  else
2478  {
2479  // Collapse on the to vertex
2480  snaxs[vertSnaxMinInd[i]].d = 1.0;
2481  isImpact.push_back(-2);
2482  }
2483  }
2484  }
2485  snaxs.PrepareForUse();
2486 }
2488 void snaxarray::DetectImpactOnEdge(vector<int> &isImpact, vector<bool> &isSnaxDone, int edgeInd)
2489 {
2490  int nSnax, ii, jj, dOrd;
2491  vector<int> snaxSubs;
2492  double impactTime;
2493  snaxSubs = ReturnDataEqualRange(edgeInd, hashParent);
2494  nSnax = snaxSubs.size();
2495  for (ii = 0; ii < nSnax; ++ii)
2496  {
2497  isSnaxDone[snaxSubs[ii]] = true;
2499  for (jj = ii + 1; jj < nSnax; ++jj)
2500  {
2501  impactTime = SnaxImpactDt(elems[snaxSubs[ii]], elems[snaxSubs[jj]]);
2502  dOrd = abs(elems[snaxSubs[ii]].orderedge - elems[snaxSubs[jj]].orderedge);
2503  if (dOrd == 1 && rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(impactTime, 0.0))
2504  {
2505  isImpact.push_back((elems[snaxSubs[ii]].index));
2506  isImpact.push_back((elems[snaxSubs[jj]].index));
2508  isImpact.push_back((elems[snaxSubs[jj]].index));
2509  isImpact.push_back((elems[snaxSubs[ii]].index));
2510  }
2511  }
2513  if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(elems[snaxSubs[ii]].d, 0.0) && (elems[snaxSubs[ii]].v <= 0.0) &&
2514  elems[snaxSubs[ii]].orderedge == 1)
2515  {
2516  isImpact.push_back(elems[snaxSubs[ii]].index);
2517  isImpact.push_back(-1);
2518  }
2519  else if (rsvs3d::utils::IsAproxEqual(elems[snaxSubs[ii]].d, 1.0) && (elems[snaxSubs[ii]].v >= 0.0) &&
2520  elems[snaxSubs[ii]].orderedge == nSnax)
2521  {
2522  isImpact.push_back(elems[snaxSubs[ii]].index);
2523  isImpact.push_back(-2);
2524  }
2525  }
2526 }
2528 void snake::OrientFaces()
2529 {
2530  /*
2531  Orients either surfaces or edges depending.
2532  */
2533  if (this->Check3D())
2534  {
2535  this->OrientSurfaceVolume();
2536  }
2537  else
2538  {
2539  this->OrientEdgeSurface();
2540  }
2541 }
2542 void snake::OrientEdgeSurface()
2543 {
2544  cerr << "Warning: not coded yet in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2545 }
2546 void snake::OrientSurfaceVolume()
2547 {
2548  // Orders the surf.voluind [c0 c1] such that the surface normal vector points
2549  // from c0 to c1
2550  // This is done by using the surface normals and checking they go towards
2551  // the centre of the cell
2553  int nBlocks, ii, jj, ni, nj, kk, ll;
2554  vector<int> surfOrient;
2555  vector<bool> isFlip;
2556  double dotProd;
2557  coordvec centreVolu, normalVec;
2559  nBlocks = snakeconn.OrientRelativeSurfaceVolume(surfOrient);
2560  isFlip.assign(nBlocks, false);
2561  //========================================
2562  // Select direction using coordinate geometry
2563  // use a surface
2565  for (ii = 1; ii <= nBlocks; ii++)
2566  {
2567  jj = -1;
2568  nj = surfOrient.size();
2569  do
2570  {
2571  jj++;
2572  while (jj < nj && ii != abs(surfOrient[jj]))
2573  {
2574  jj++;
2575  }
2576  if (jj == nj)
2577  { // if the orientation cannot be defined
2578  dotProd = 1.0;
2579  kk = 0;
2580  // cerr << "Warning: Cell orientations could not be computed " << endl;
2581  // cerr << " in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2582  break;
2583  }
2584  kk = snakeconn.surfs(jj)->voluind[0] == 0;
2585  ll = snaxs.isearch(snakeconn.edges.isearch(snakeconn.surfs(jj)->edgeind[0])->vertind[0])->tovert;
2586  centreVolu = snakemesh()->verts.isearch(ll)->coord;
2587  ll = snaxs.isearch(snakeconn.edges.isearch(snakeconn.surfs(jj)->edgeind[0])->vertind[0])->fromvert;
2588  centreVolu.substract(snakemesh()->verts.isearch(ll)->coord);
2590  normalVec = snakeconn.CalcPseudoNormalSurf(snakeconn.surfs(jj)->index);
2592  dotProd =;
2593  } while (!isfinite(dotProd) || (fabs(dotProd) < numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()));
2595  isFlip[ii - 1] = (((dotProd < 0.0) && (kk == 0)) || ((dotProd > 0.0) && (kk == 1)));
2596  }
2597  if (nBlocks > 0)
2598  {
2599  ni = surfOrient.size();
2600  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
2601  {
2602  if (isFlip[abs(surfOrient[ii]) - 1])
2603  {
2604  snakeconn.surfs.elems[ii].FlipVolus();
2605  }
2606  }
2607  }
2608 }
2609 void snake::AssignInternalVerts()
2610 {
2611  /*
2612  Assigns internal vertices to the snake based on the snakemesh() connectivity.
2613  */
2614  int ii, ni;
2615  vector<int> vertBlock;
2617  FindBlockSnakeMeshVerts(vertBlock);
2618  this->isFlipped = false;
2619  ni = vertBlock.size();
2620  for (ii = 0; ii < ni; ++ii)
2621  {
2622  isMeshVertIn[ii] = vertBlock[ii] > 0;
2623  }
2624 }
2625 int snake::FindBlockSnakeMeshVerts(vector<int> &vertBlock) const
2626 {
2627  // int mesh::ConnectedVertex(vector<int> &vertBlock) const{
2628  // Fills a vector with a number for each vertex corresponding to a
2629  // group of connected edges it is part of , can be used close surfaces in 2D
2630  // or volumes in 3D. Uses a flood fill with queue method
2632  int nVertExplored, nVerts, nBlocks, nCurr, nEdgesCurr, ii, jj, kk, nSnaxs, ll, nl;
2633  vector<bool> vertStatus, snaxStatus; // 1 explored 0 not explored
2635  vector<int> currQueue, nextQueue,
2636  tempSnax; // Current and next queues of indices
2638  // Preparation of the arrays;
2639  nVerts = snakemesh()->verts.size();
2640  nSnaxs = snaxs.size();
2641  nBlocks = 0;
2642  nVertExplored = 0;
2644  snaxStatus.assign(nSnaxs, false);
2645  vertStatus.assign(nVerts, false);
2646  vertBlock.assign(nVerts, 0);
2647  currQueue.reserve(nVerts / 2);
2648  nextQueue.reserve(nVerts / 2);
2650  // While Loop, while not all vertices explored
2651  while (nVertExplored < nSnaxs)
2652  {
2653  // if currQueue is empty start new block
2654  if (currQueue.size() < 1)
2655  {
2656  // cout << "Block " << nBlocks << " - " << nVertExplored << " - " <<
2657  // nVerts << endl;
2658  ii = 0;
2659  while (ii < nSnaxs && snaxStatus[ii])
2660  {
2661  ii++;
2662  }
2663  if (snaxStatus[ii])
2664  {
2665  cerr << "Error starting point for loop not found despite max number of "
2666  "vertex not reached"
2667  << endl;
2668  cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2669  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" : Starting point for block not found");
2670  }
2671  currQueue.push_back(snakemesh()->verts.find(snaxs(ii)->fromvert));
2672  nBlocks++;
2673  }
2674  // Explore current queue
2675  nCurr = currQueue.size();
2676  // cout << "nCurr " << nCurr << " nVertExplored " << nVertExplored <<
2677  // " nSnax " << nSnaxs << " " << nBlocks << endl;
2678  for (ii = 0; ii < nCurr; ++ii)
2679  {
2680  if (!vertStatus[currQueue[ii]])
2681  {
2682  vertBlock[currQueue[ii]] = nBlocks;
2683  nEdgesCurr = snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind.size();
2684  for (jj = 0; jj < nEdgesCurr; ++jj)
2685  {
2686  // only follow edge if no snaxel exists on it
2687  if (snaxs.countparent(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj]) < 1)
2688  {
2689  kk = int(
2690  snakemesh()->edges.isearch(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj])->vertind[0] ==
2691  snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->index);
2692  nextQueue.push_back(snakemesh()->verts.find(
2693  snakemesh()->edges.isearch(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj])->vertind[kk]));
2694 #ifdef SAFE_ALGO
2695  if (snakemesh()->verts.find(snakemesh()
2696  ->edges.isearch(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj])
2697  ->vertind[kk]) == -1)
2698  {
2699  cerr << "Edge index: " << snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj] << " vertex index:"
2700  << snakemesh()
2701  ->edges.isearch(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj])
2702  ->vertind[kk]
2703  << endl;
2704  cerr << "Edge connected to non existant vertex" << endl;
2705  cerr << "Error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
2706  RSVS3D_ERROR_RANGE(" : Vertex not found");
2707  }
2708 #endif
2709  }
2710  else
2711  {
2712  snaxs.findsiblings(snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->edgeind[jj], tempSnax);
2713  nl = tempSnax.size();
2714  for (ll = 0; ll < nl; ++ll)
2715  {
2716  if (snakemesh()->verts(currQueue[ii])->index == snaxs(tempSnax[ll])->fromvert)
2717  {
2718  nVertExplored += int(!snaxStatus[tempSnax[ll]]);
2719  snaxStatus[tempSnax[ll]] = true;
2720  }
2721  }
2722  }
2723  }
2724  vertStatus[currQueue[ii]] = true;
2725  }
2726  }
2728  // Reset current queue and set to next queue
2729  currQueue.clear();
2730  currQueue.swap(nextQueue);
2731  }
2732  return (nBlocks);
2733 }
2734 grid::limits snake::Scale(const grid::limits &newSize)
2735 {
2736  auto boundBox = this->snakemesh()->BoundingBox();
2737  // Scales the snakemesh() to the correct size
2738  auto transformation = this->snakemesh()->Scale(newSize);
2739  // Uses the same transformation on the snakeconn
2740  this->snakeconn.LinearTransform(transformation);
2741  // Applies the transformation to the family of the snakemesh()
2742  // ie: the VOS mesh.
2743  this->snakemesh()->LinearTransformFamily(transformation);
2745  return boundBox;
2746 }
2748 std::vector<double> snake::MoveDirections() const
2749 {
2750  std::vector<double> coords;
2751  int nVert = this->snaxs.size();
2752  coords.reserve(nVert * 3);
2753  coordvec lapVec;
2755  grid::coordlist neighCoord;
2757  for (int i = 0; i < nVert; ++i)
2758  {
2759  this->snaxs(i)->Direction(*this, lapVec);
2760  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
2761  {
2762  coords.push_back(lapVec(j));
2763  }
2764  }
2765  return coords;
2766 }
2768 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2769 // TEST CODE
2770 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2772 // in snakstruct_test.cpp
Handles the use and norm of a vector for which the norm and the unit value might be needed.
Definition: mesh.hpp:114
Class for mesh handling.
Definition: mesh.hpp:592
int SurfFromEdges(int e1, int e2, int repetitionBehaviour=-1) const
Returns the index of the surface connecting two edges.
Definition: mesh.cpp:5872
Definition: snake.hpp:83
void SetEdgeStepLimits()
Sets the relative edge step limits.
Definition: snake.cpp:902
Definition: snake.hpp:192
Class for a vertex in a mesh.
Definition: mesh.hpp:448
Provides all the mesh tools used for the generation of 3D grids and geometries.
std::vector< const std::vector< double > * > coordlist
Defines a list of coordinates.
Definition: mesh.hpp:87
std::tuple< coordvec, double > VertexNormal(const std::vector< double > &centre, const grid::coordlist &vecPts)
Calculates the vertex normal weighted by surface angle partitions.
Definition: mesh.cpp:747
std::array< std::array< double, 3 >, 3 > transformation
Defines a linear transformation to the mesh where for each dimension: {new minimum,...
Definition: mesh.hpp:85
int OrderList(std::vector< int > &edgeind, const std::vector< int > &edge2Vert, bool warn=true, bool errout=true, const std::vector< int > *edgeIndOrigPtr=NULL)
Orders a list of elements defined by pairs of indices.
Definition: mesh.cpp:3449
int NormalShouldFlip(const std::vector< int > orderedList, int elm1, int elm2, const std::vector< int > &voluind, bool innerComparison)
Answers if a normal should be flipped to point towards the outside of a volume.
Definition: mesh.cpp:777
Tools for the mathematical processing of meshes.
std::array< double, 2 > IntersectLineSphere(const coordvec &lineVec, const coordvec &offset, double sphereRadius)
Calculates the parametric position along a line at which it intersects a sphere.
Namespace for general purpose tools of the RSVS project.
Definition: snake.cpp:1464
int sign(T val)
Returns the sign of a type comparable to 0.
Definition: warning.hpp:215
Provides various utility functions for the RSVS operation.
Provides the core restricted surface snake container.
Provides the error and warning system used by the RSVS3D project.
Throw a logic_error.
Definition: warning.hpp:139
Generic rsvs warning.
Definition: warning.hpp:120
#define RSVS3D_ERROR(M)
Throw generic rsvs errors.
Definition: warning.hpp:113
Throw a range_error.
Definition: warning.hpp:173
Throw a invalid_argument.
Definition: warning.hpp:148
Throw a specific error type.
Definition: warning.hpp:130